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Posts posted by PortaJohn

  1. 26 minutes ago, 1032004 said:

    Cael basically killed the tree he grew from 🙂

    This is going to upset @Interviewed_at_Weehawken but no he didn't.  Molinaro, Cenzo, and Hall are all on other coaching staffs.  It has much more to do with a) many of his elite wrestlers are still competing (b) a lot of the top wrestlers (from all programs) have found other avenues in life to make money when in the past coaching seemed to be the only option.  In the past guys like Taylor, Burroughs, Dake, Steveson, Nickal, etc etc were almost forced into coaching but fortunately thats not the case today

  2. 8 hours ago, 1032004 said:

    I’m hoping for that next year if Starocci comes back

    Highly doubt Carter comes back for a run for a 5th.  I'll actually applaud him for it if he walks away after this year.  Getting 5 opportunities to wrestle at NCAAs is one too many in my book.  KOT should get an asterisk of he wins his 4th next year

    • Fire 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, nhs67 said:

    Edmond Ruth (#3 174lber on every rankings service except Flo - #5) just lost to some guy not even ranked at 174lbs.

    If only that Tool was able to go up to 174 in March and we could get an epic Finals matchup the fans deserve

  4. 11 minutes ago, Plasmodium said:

    Or as a convenient, practical implementation of the 3/5ths compromise.

    That is ridiculous and lacks an understanding of history.  But go ahead expound on this continued talking point you've yet to explain in detail 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Le duke said:

    Wyoming gets one electoral vote per ~150,000 people. The Dakotas, one per 190k and 210k. Alaska, one per 175k.

    In Texas or California, it’s one per 500,000+. NJ, one per 439k, PA one per 490k.

    Rural, low population areas are given unreasonably high representation in the electoral college.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Our founding fathers weren't dopes.  The electoral college was created to prevent a democratic mob, offset low informed voters, and stop a populist president from taking power.  

    • Fire 1
  6. 37 minutes ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    this the cringiest, posturing, racist, pseudo intellect nonsese I've ever read. You'll never be funny again

    I felt like this was the cringiest part .....


    37 minutes ago, Hammerlock3 said:

    As a Penn State fan it makes me proud to see how Cael has embraced diverse athletes and how he's allowed them to thrive and propel Penn State to meteoric heights.


    • Fire 3
  7. Just curious and have to ask for those of you who have called this man a coward have any of you been in a combat situation where you actually had to kill someone else and face your own mortality?  This isn't to say this man failed in his duties but people in general aren't as heroic as they like to think and only a very small percentage of the population is genetically wired to kill another human being.  The military is well aware of this and has put in place training methods to get soldiers more accustomed to actually ending another humans life . 

    • Fire 1
    • Clown 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, Idaho said:

    It is not... look at the roster ... 36 guys and mostly white - about 13 or so minorities. Will you be switching your narrative in two years when his next two recruiting  classes have 12 white kids and 2 minorities and many of the guys you listed are done? 

    Just want to get this straight.  Is Cael Sanderson racist or not? 

  9. 8 hours ago, VakAttack said:

    Stop trying to change the argument.  I have already stated, multiple times, that I personally would want the living document/non-textualist interpretation of laws written hundreds of years ago; that there should be a conviction.  You and I have been simply arguing about textualist and originalist legal interpretation.  The Colorado Court used a textualist interpretation to get their result.  You are advocating for a non-textualist interpretation, which I agree with.

    @VakAttack apologies if you've answered this already.  What approach do you believe the defense will take?  I've heard some argue the president isn't listed in section 3.  Dershowitz argues there is an impeachment provision that requires a 2/3 vote & on those grounds the Supreme Court will rule in favor of Trump.  Others note the Due Process Clause in the 14th and an argument can be made there.   Just wondering what strategies the defense team might take

    • Haha 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, VakAttack said:

    No conviction required under the strict text of the 14th Amendment, which is typically how Rs want the Constitution interpreted vs. the more "living document" approach that Ds favor.  The decision is legally sound, but politically a loser for the Ds, IMO.

    Agree.  I'm no fan of Trump but this decision for whatever reason doesn't feel right.  Optics look terrible 

    • Fire 1
    • Confused 1
  11. 37 minutes ago, Paul158 said:

    Wouldn't Trump need to be convicted before they could pull the 14th card? Did they forget that key element ?


    24 minutes ago, Wrestleknownothing said:

    I do not know the answer to this. The Supreme Court may or may not weigh in on that question or they may go with a deeply technical argument (like the appeals court in CO did).

    My best attempt to answer this question is no conviction is not required.  It was never specified in the 14th.  During that era Congress was preventing Southerners  involved with the Confederacy during the Civil War from ever holding office.  @VakAttack this sound somewhat correct?

  12. 8 minutes ago, jross said:

    "You can be famous for a lot of things.  You can be a Nobel-prize winner, you can be pinned in the finals, you can hold the throne of PortaJohn."


    @PortaJohn, you are currently the leader of NCAA Qualifiers, but keep your singlet clean when eyeing those NCAA Champion ranks.

    2 profile views for every 1 post!  Nice job!

    My only request is that when I become a NCAA champ and place higher than @Interviewed_at_Weehawken that I will be bestowed with the Cael Sanderson Award and every other poster who follows and jumps Alexander Hamilton is presented with the same award.  That should be tradition  

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