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Everything posted by VakAttack

  1. Just staring at track for a few hours. Awesome. I blame my wife.
  2. It's very frustrating to not be able to see anything and give an informed opinion!
  3. Look out backside, the monster is coming.
  4. This can't be correct? Courtney 1 point Vito 2 points Woods 2 points Realbuto 1 point Andonian 1 point Calendar 1 point Paisuk 0 points Assad 1 point Soldano 2 points Smith 1 point Davison 1 point I have me at 13 points, no?
  5. They haven't met since Cass beat him twice at NCAAs three years ago. Different guys now, of course. In Cass' case, quite literally lol.
  6. I can't see anything, but hilarious description.
  7. Now while it may suck for me that I can't watch ANY wrestling, one big win for me and demerit for you is I don't have to watch Nelson Brands.
  8. What? Track shows him winning 1-0 in the third?
  9. I am in London and can not access any of my normal ways to watch this, lol.
  10. May the best person win, folks. Unless it's not me, than this is stupid and I should get all the money on principle.
  11. I dunno...there's got to be SOME action on his part, lol.
  12. @Jerry Callo feel free to chime in, but it has to be done before the start of the pigtail rounds.
  13. I am as well. The affected parties may pick a new representative from the remaining wrestlers.
  14. He was underseeded IMO; this is brutal.
  15. Hmmm. Seeing it written, I feel like a bit of a dick, lol. Maybe we should let JerBear pick from the remaining 133s? I'm open to suggestions.
  16. Benjamin Pasiuk, thank you for your service and welcome to the squad. 174 lbs.
  17. Hey @GreatWhiteNorth I mean this from the bottom of my heart f u c k you. And that damn goose.
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