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If you're going to point fingers and whine "Well other people do it too" when they don't, then don't bother replying. This is about why I don't like Trump, besides his ridiculous politics. 

Trump for starters is not self made in any sense, but pretends he is and has been. The reality is he was born rich, might possibly die rich, and has never had to struggle like most Americans have. Do you think Trump ever needed to use social services, worried about how he would pay his personal bills, or anything like that? No. Because he was a millionaire when he was born. He has led a very privileged life from the start, and not because of anything he has done himself, just because of his father's success. 

Which leads me to the next reason. Trump lies. A lot. If you're going to say, "Well (xxxxx) lies and so does everyone else." This isn't about other people. This is about Trump being a liar. Even about things that aren't important. To him he has to be the best, the smartest, etc, and when he isn't, he just lies and says he is. To Trump, facts don't matter. What matters is his narrative and what he wants. 

Trump is a racist. I think a lot of people try to justify it, especially here, or give him a pass for some bizarre reason. His opinions on minorities are well documented for decades. He refused to rent apartments to black people and got busted for it. Yes his settlement with the government allowed him to save face and not actually admit it, but if he wasn't guilty why would he have settled at all? He got caught red handed. He still refuses to apologize over the Central Park 5 incident, despite the fact the kids involved were exonorated. He adopted racist policies in his casinos and admitted that he told an author following him for a book that black people were inherently lazy and he was upset a black person was working as an accountant for him. Also if you look at how Trump began his "career" in right wing politics, it started with him perpetuating a racist lie, and when he announced he was running for president, he claimed Mexicans were "drug dealers and rapists", which is also not true. 

His business practices. People like to point out that he has some strong business acumen or is highly successful. Let this sink in. If Trump has taken the bulk of the assets his father gave him in the early 80's, amounting to over 400 million, and parked it in indexed mutual funds and done nothing else, he would have 10x more than he currently has now. Literally doing nothing would have made him far more wealthy than he is today and ever has been. Instead he has filed for bankruptcy at least 5 times, personally was liable for almost a billion dollars that he didn't have, and managed to bankrupt 3 casinos, which would be pretty hard to do for anyone. Not to mention his numerous failures, Trump Shuttle which got repossessed. Trump U which got sued and was found to be fraudulent. His mortgage business, steaks, vodka, water, and about a dozen or so other things. He only avoided losing one of his casinos at one point because his father had an associate buy 3 million in chips and walk out the door with them. 

Which comes back to, the lying and racism again. Ever notice how nothing is his fault? I think this is my biggest problem. Trump cannot admit he was wrong about anything. Whether it was a bad business move or something else. It's always somebody else who is to blame. When his casinos tanked, it wasn't his fault. It was the Native Americans who operated casinos who stole his business. So he lied about them and claimed they were dealing drugs and involved with organized crime. He even bought billboard advertising to say as much. He ended up losing his casinos because of his own mismanagement anyway. But to him now if you asked him? He'd blame somebody else.

Notice how I haven't really mentioned politics? Yeah that's because he is a terrible human being. Not because I dislike his politics, which shocking, a garbage individual, I disagree with? 

As to how and why Trump managed to stay afloat if he was this *I poop my pants, don't laugh at me*ty at business? People bring that up and say "Well if he was so bad at this why is he still around?" And I can tell you why, despite him being a money pit.

Even though most of his ventures have failed, he has had some success. Also that whole lying thing helped. Trump is seen as a successful person because that has been his long-standing public image. You know how celebrities or other famous people have a public image, like how people think of somebody like Cal Ripken Jr and think he's a wholesome family oriented guy who cared about the fans and was a good example for young people because he played the game the right way and wasn't involved in anything controversial on or off the field. But if you learned that was a facade and Ripken used racial slurs freely, snorted bumpers off of strippers and had a bunch of illegitimate children, people around him or his team might try to cover that up because it's bad for business . 

In Trump's case he presented himself publicly as a very wealthy, savvy and successful real estate developer. Even though he wasn't. He was fortunate his father got him his start, and put people around him who wouldn't let him do anything too stupid. As he rose in the business world, people thought it was him and him alone who was doing it, as was the public perception. He got to a point where his failure would mean a lot of people would fail. So it was actually cheaper to prop him up long term than let him go bankrupt. When Bruce McNall got busted for fraud, one of his close friends was Trump. What did Trump tell him? He should have taken more money and made himself too big to fail. Sounds like Trump knows a thing or two about that.

Another thing? He's just an unrelenting asshole. He wanted to buy a couple's house to build a golf course on their land and they refused. So he had a fence put up around their house and sued them. Eventually they won and didn't sell, but who does that? An asshole that's who. 

I didn't mention the philandering, nice "family values", there is one more thing and this does touch on politics sort of.

Trump doesn't have an opinion on anything. Or rather he doesn't have a strong opinion or belief. His only belief is what is good for him at this moment. If you convinced him that granting amnesty to illegal immigrants and upholding DEI would win him the election, he would be out there selling it within 5 minutes. It doesn't matter what people want, it matters whether it is good for him personally. His business practices, his lies, his various lawsuits all reflect this. To him you're a mark because you'll believe what he tells you or are willing to vote for him, give him money, etc. 

So even though I think his politics are absurd, prior to him even getting into politics, I didn't like him. So before the next person yells "TDS!" you can hold off and actually see how much of an awful human being he always has been. 

Just a short list of things he has tanked.


Trump Baja Resort

Trump Shuttle 

Trump Charities 

Trump Taj Mahal 

Trump University 

Trump Mortgage Brokers

And that's just a short list. 

  • Brain 1
  • Haha 1
5 minutes ago, Tripnsweep said:

If you're going to point fingers and whine "Well other people do it too" when they don't, then don't bother replying. This is about why I don't like Trump, besides his ridiculous politics. 

Trump for starters is not self made in any sense, but pretends he is and has been. The reality is he was born rich, might possibly die rich, and has never had to struggle like most Americans have. Do you think Trump ever needed to use social services, worried about how he would pay his personal bills, or anything like that? No. Because he was a millionaire when he was born. He has led a very privileged life from the start, and not because of anything he has done himself, just because of his father's success. 

Which leads me to the next reason. Trump lies. A lot. If you're going to say, "Well (xxxxx) lies and so does everyone else." This isn't about other people. This is about Trump being a liar. Even about things that aren't important. To him he has to be the best, the smartest, etc, and when he isn't, he just lies and says he is. To Trump, facts don't matter. What matters is his narrative and what he wants. 

Trump is a racist. I think a lot of people try to justify it, especially here, or give him a pass for some bizarre reason. His opinions on minorities are well documented for decades. He refused to rent apartments to black people and got busted for it. Yes his settlement with the government allowed him to save face and not actually admit it, but if he wasn't guilty why would he have settled at all? He got caught red handed. He still refuses to apologize over the Central Park 5 incident, despite the fact the kids involved were exonorated. He adopted racist policies in his casinos and admitted that he told an author following him for a book that black people were inherently lazy and he was upset a black person was working as an accountant for him. Also if you look at how Trump began his "career" in right wing politics, it started with him perpetuating a racist lie, and when he announced he was running for president, he claimed Mexicans were "drug dealers and rapists", which is also not true. 

His business practices. People like to point out that he has some strong business acumen or is highly successful. Let this sink in. If Trump has taken the bulk of the assets his father gave him in the early 80's, amounting to over 400 million, and parked it in indexed mutual funds and done nothing else, he would have 10x more than he currently has now. Literally doing nothing would have made him far more wealthy than he is today and ever has been. Instead he has filed for bankruptcy at least 5 times, personally was liable for almost a billion dollars that he didn't have, and managed to bankrupt 3 casinos, which would be pretty hard to do for anyone. Not to mention his numerous failures, Trump Shuttle which got repossessed. Trump U which got sued and was found to be fraudulent. His mortgage business, steaks, vodka, water, and about a dozen or so other things. He only avoided losing one of his casinos at one point because his father had an associate buy 3 million in chips and walk out the door with them. 

Which comes back to, the lying and racism again. Ever notice how nothing is his fault? I think this is my biggest problem. Trump cannot admit he was wrong about anything. Whether it was a bad business move or something else. It's always somebody else who is to blame. When his casinos tanked, it wasn't his fault. It was the Native Americans who operated casinos who stole his business. So he lied about them and claimed they were dealing drugs and involved with organized crime. He even bought billboard advertising to say as much. He ended up losing his casinos because of his own mismanagement anyway. But to him now if you asked him? He'd blame somebody else.

Notice how I haven't really mentioned politics? Yeah that's because he is a terrible human being. Not because I dislike his politics, which shocking, a garbage individual, I disagree with? 

As to how and why Trump managed to stay afloat if he was this *I poop my pants, don't laugh at me*ty at business? People bring that up and say "Well if he was so bad at this why is he still around?" And I can tell you why, despite him being a money pit.

Even though most of his ventures have failed, he has had some success. Also that whole lying thing helped. Trump is seen as a successful person because that has been his long-standing public image. You know how celebrities or other famous people have a public image, like how people think of somebody like Cal Ripken Jr and think he's a wholesome family oriented guy who cared about the fans and was a good example for young people because he played the game the right way and wasn't involved in anything controversial on or off the field. But if you learned that was a facade and Ripken used racial slurs freely, snorted bumpers off of strippers and had a bunch of illegitimate children, people around him or his team might try to cover that up because it's bad for business . 

In Trump's case he presented himself publicly as a very wealthy, savvy and successful real estate developer. Even though he wasn't. He was fortunate his father got him his start, and put people around him who wouldn't let him do anything too stupid. As he rose in the business world, people thought it was him and him alone who was doing it, as was the public perception. He got to a point where his failure would mean a lot of people would fail. So it was actually cheaper to prop him up long term than let him go bankrupt. When Bruce McNall got busted for fraud, one of his close friends was Trump. What did Trump tell him? He should have taken more money and made himself too big to fail. Sounds like Trump knows a thing or two about that.

Another thing? He's just an unrelenting asshole. He wanted to buy a couple's house to build a golf course on their land and they refused. So he had a fence put up around their house and sued them. Eventually they won and didn't sell, but who does that? An asshole that's who. 

I didn't mention the philandering, nice "family values", there is one more thing and this does touch on politics sort of.

Trump doesn't have an opinion on anything. Or rather he doesn't have a strong opinion or belief. His only belief is what is good for him at this moment. If you convinced him that granting amnesty to illegal immigrants and upholding DEI would win him the election, he would be out there selling it within 5 minutes. It doesn't matter what people want, it matters whether it is good for him personally. His business practices, his lies, his various lawsuits all reflect this. To him you're a mark because you'll believe what he tells you or are willing to vote for him, give him money, etc. 

So even though I think his politics are absurd, prior to him even getting into politics, I didn't like him. So before the next person yells "TDS!" you can hold off and actually see how much of an awful human being he always has been. 

Just a short list of things he has tanked.


Trump Baja Resort

Trump Shuttle 

Trump Charities 

Trump Taj Mahal 

Trump University 

Trump Mortgage Brokers

And that's just a short list. 

Run a better candidate next time and stop crying in your Cheerios.  

  • Bob 4
  • Fire 1
  • Haha 1
  • Poopy 1

Hey Trip, I hate to see a fellow wrestling fan struggle. Trump’s got some shortcomings that stand out. But when you look at the bigger picture, he’s pushing hard for stuff like economic growth, border security, and putting America first in a way a lot of people feel we’ve needed. It’s not always smooth, but I think his heart’s in the right place for the country. What do you think—any chance focusing on some of the wins might help balance out the rough spots for you?"

  • Bob 2
  • Poopy 1

How about this one. Completely screwing over his brothers kids to get them removed from his dad's will, simply because their father was an alcoholic. 

You could go on and on about all the people he's managed to screw over. 

  • Fire 1
1 minute ago, red viking said:

How about this one. Completely screwing over his brothers kids to get them removed from his dad's will, simply because their father was an alcoholic. 

You could go on and on about all the people he's managed to screw over. 

The screaming in your head that goes on day by day must be maddening.   I can’t Imagine hating something or someone so much.  It has to hurt.  

  • Bob 2
  • Clown 1
2 hours ago, Tripnsweep said:

If you're going to point fingers and whine "Well other people do it too" when they don't, then don't bother replying. This is about why I don't like Trump, besides his ridiculous politics. 

Trump for starters is not self made in any sense, but pretends he is and has been. The reality is he was born rich, might possibly die rich, and has never had to struggle like most Americans have. Do you think Trump ever needed to use social services, worried about how he would pay his personal bills, or anything like that? No. Because he was a millionaire when he was born. He has led a very privileged life from the start, and not because of anything he has done himself, just because of his father's success. 

Which leads me to the next reason. Trump lies. A lot. If you're going to say, "Well (xxxxx) lies and so does everyone else." This isn't about other people. This is about Trump being a liar. Even about things that aren't important. To him he has to be the best, the smartest, etc, and when he isn't, he just lies and says he is. To Trump, facts don't matter. What matters is his narrative and what he wants. 

Trump is a racist. I think a lot of people try to justify it, especially here, or give him a pass for some bizarre reason. His opinions on minorities are well documented for decades. He refused to rent apartments to black people and got busted for it. Yes his settlement with the government allowed him to save face and not actually admit it, but if he wasn't guilty why would he have settled at all? He got caught red handed. He still refuses to apologize over the Central Park 5 incident, despite the fact the kids involved were exonorated. He adopted racist policies in his casinos and admitted that he told an author following him for a book that black people were inherently lazy and he was upset a black person was working as an accountant for him. Also if you look at how Trump began his "career" in right wing politics, it started with him perpetuating a racist lie, and when he announced he was running for president, he claimed Mexicans were "drug dealers and rapists", which is also not true. 

His business practices. People like to point out that he has some strong business acumen or is highly successful. Let this sink in. If Trump has taken the bulk of the assets his father gave him in the early 80's, amounting to over 400 million, and parked it in indexed mutual funds and done nothing else, he would have 10x more than he currently has now. Literally doing nothing would have made him far more wealthy than he is today and ever has been. Instead he has filed for bankruptcy at least 5 times, personally was liable for almost a billion dollars that he didn't have, and managed to bankrupt 3 casinos, which would be pretty hard to do for anyone. Not to mention his numerous failures, Trump Shuttle which got repossessed. Trump U which got sued and was found to be fraudulent. His mortgage business, steaks, vodka, water, and about a dozen or so other things. He only avoided losing one of his casinos at one point because his father had an associate buy 3 million in chips and walk out the door with them. 

Which comes back to, the lying and racism again. Ever notice how nothing is his fault? I think this is my biggest problem. Trump cannot admit he was wrong about anything. Whether it was a bad business move or something else. It's always somebody else who is to blame. When his casinos tanked, it wasn't his fault. It was the Native Americans who operated casinos who stole his business. So he lied about them and claimed they were dealing drugs and involved with organized crime. He even bought billboard advertising to say as much. He ended up losing his casinos because of his own mismanagement anyway. But to him now if you asked him? He'd blame somebody else.

Notice how I haven't really mentioned politics? Yeah that's because he is a terrible human being. Not because I dislike his politics, which shocking, a garbage individual, I disagree with? 

As to how and why Trump managed to stay afloat if he was this *I poop my pants, don't laugh at me*ty at business? People bring that up and say "Well if he was so bad at this why is he still around?" And I can tell you why, despite him being a money pit.

Even though most of his ventures have failed, he has had some success. Also that whole lying thing helped. Trump is seen as a successful person because that has been his long-standing public image. You know how celebrities or other famous people have a public image, like how people think of somebody like Cal Ripken Jr and think he's a wholesome family oriented guy who cared about the fans and was a good example for young people because he played the game the right way and wasn't involved in anything controversial on or off the field. But if you learned that was a facade and Ripken used racial slurs freely, snorted bumpers off of strippers and had a bunch of illegitimate children, people around him or his team might try to cover that up because it's bad for business . 

In Trump's case he presented himself publicly as a very wealthy, savvy and successful real estate developer. Even though he wasn't. He was fortunate his father got him his start, and put people around him who wouldn't let him do anything too stupid. As he rose in the business world, people thought it was him and him alone who was doing it, as was the public perception. He got to a point where his failure would mean a lot of people would fail. So it was actually cheaper to prop him up long term than let him go bankrupt. When Bruce McNall got busted for fraud, one of his close friends was Trump. What did Trump tell him? He should have taken more money and made himself too big to fail. Sounds like Trump knows a thing or two about that.

Another thing? He's just an unrelenting asshole. He wanted to buy a couple's house to build a golf course on their land and they refused. So he had a fence put up around their house and sued them. Eventually they won and didn't sell, but who does that? An asshole that's who. 

I didn't mention the philandering, nice "family values", there is one more thing and this does touch on politics sort of.

Trump doesn't have an opinion on anything. Or rather he doesn't have a strong opinion or belief. His only belief is what is good for him at this moment. If you convinced him that granting amnesty to illegal immigrants and upholding DEI would win him the election, he would be out there selling it within 5 minutes. It doesn't matter what people want, it matters whether it is good for him personally. His business practices, his lies, his various lawsuits all reflect this. To him you're a mark because you'll believe what he tells you or are willing to vote for him, give him money, etc. 

So even though I think his politics are absurd, prior to him even getting into politics, I didn't like him. So before the next person yells "TDS!" you can hold off and actually see how much of an awful human being he always has been. 

Just a short list of things he has tanked.


Trump Baja Resort

Trump Shuttle 

Trump Charities 

Trump Taj Mahal 

Trump University 

Trump Mortgage Brokers

And that's just a short list. 

If I might ask, why do you allow him (Trump) to live rent free in your brain? If you dislike him so much, why does he occupy your every thought? That is just not very healthy.

  • Bob 1
  • Clown 1
2 hours ago, Caveira said:

Run a better candidate next time and stop crying in your Cheerios.  

They had the worst candidate in American history. Biden. Then they decided to change midstream. Then they went and found a candidate that was worse than Biden. Kamala. Unbelievable. Now they are unhappy. Only 3 years and 11 months to go. Good luck Dems.

Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Paul158 said:

They had the worst candidate in American history. Biden. Then they decided to change midstream. Then they went and found a candidate that was worse than Biden. Kamala. Unbelievable. Now they are unhappy. Only 3 years and 11 months to go. Good luck Dems.

And somehow …. They lost to the worst Hitler fascist maniac ever who was going to take their right to vote away and literally end democracy.   How do you lose to someone who will end democracy and rake your right to vote away.   it’s almost like the American public doesn’t trust their narratives any more.  #Weird     All the while Kamalalalala got 7 million less votes vs the dude who was ending democracy.   

I don’t know if Shakespeare could write this comedy lol.   

Edited by Caveira
  • Bob 1
  • Racing Family 1
3 hours ago, headshuck said:

Hey Trip, I hate to see a fellow wrestling fan struggle. Trump’s got some shortcomings that stand out. But when you look at the bigger picture, he’s pushing hard for stuff like economic growth, border security, and putting America first in a way a lot of people feel we’ve needed. It’s not always smooth, but I think his heart’s in the right place for the country. What do you think—any chance focusing on some of the wins might help balance out the rough spots for you?"

I don't think that any of Trump's economic policies are designed to do anyone favors except for rich people who are the beneficiaries of his tax breaks, deregulation, and other ideas. His budget cut 800 billion from Medicare and Medicaid. Who does that impact? People who need those services the most. You have this misconception that America first is what he's about. It's about Trump first. He literally doesn't care about anything except what's good for him. When I say he's so blatantly transparent, I don't understand how anyone believes him. 

Politics aside he's an awful person. 

  • Brain 1
4 hours ago, Tripnsweep said:

I don't think that any of Trump's economic policies are designed to do anyone favors except for rich people who are the beneficiaries of his tax breaks, deregulation, and other ideas. His budget cut 800 billion from Medicare and Medicaid. Who does that impact? People who need those services the most. You have this misconception that America first is what he's about. It's about Trump first. He literally doesn't care about anything except what's good for him. When I say he's so blatantly transparent, I don't understand how anyone believes him. 

Politics aside he's an awful person. 

So, superficial and jealous. 

  • Bob 1
1 hour ago, Offthemat said:

So, superficial and jealous. 

Jealous of what? That he was born to a father that only raised him to take over because his oldest son had a mental breakdown? That his father had to buy his education, help him avoid serving in the military, and give him hundreds of millions just so he wouldn't be considered a failure? 

I'd rather have done something fulfilling than live the vapid and shallow life of a guy who can't empathize with anyone and insist he's never wrong. 

7 hours ago, Husker_Du said:

Trip, i think you should stop watching/reading MSM.

go camping or something. 

I don't really watch TV, much less the news. I think the only news I really read is local or overseas. 

6 hours ago, Tripnsweep said:

Jealous of what? That he was born to a father that only raised him to take over because his oldest son had a mental breakdown? That his father had to buy his education, help him avoid serving in the military, and give him hundreds of millions just so he wouldn't be considered a failure? 

I'd rather have done something fulfilling than live the vapid and shallow life of a guy who can't empathize with anyone and insist he's never wrong. 

Jealous of who.  Trump.  His wealth.  His power.  His popularity.  Funny you don’t mention his wife.  

3 hours ago, Scouts Honor said:

then how do you learn so much about trump

Not hard. There are multiple news sources that documented everything I brought up. All of that is 100% factual. 


What makes this so hilarious is that Trip didn't even write all that...he stole it from someone else off of social media and posted it as his own thoughts and research...buffoonery at its best

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