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There needs to be a time limit for reviews

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The first time one of Your Guys gets screwed by the time limit when an extra 30 seconds would have changed a call in their favor you will be on here crying more than a Catholic priest caught with a 12 year old under his  robes.

” Never attribute to inspiration that which can be adequately explained by delusion”.

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2 minutes ago, AgaveMaria said:

The first time one of Your Guys gets screwed by the time limit when an extra 30 seconds would have changed a call in their favor you will be on here crying more than a Catholic priest caught with a 12 year old under his  robes.

Lighten up Francis. 

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12 hours ago, Jimmy Cinnabon said:

The Fix-Vito match lasted almost 30 minutes in real time.  More time was spent by wrestlers standing around waiting than actually wrestling.  Can we start by making a rule that cumulative review time cannot exceed match time (i.e. 7 minutes)?

How about ZERO!

  • Bob 2
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There needs to be a penalty for a lost review and ref imposed reviews need to go away since they get goaded into it by prominent coaches.   The Ayala "coach review after the ref review" was flat out absurd, what a terrible product for the fans. 

We need to cut the # of review by 2/3rds with whatever changes necessary.  If you can't do that, scrap it altogether. 

  • Bob 1
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7 hours ago, monkeybanana53 said:

And if they are unable to reach an adequate decision within such time frame? What do you suggest? They flip a coin?

Theres needs to be irrefutable evidence to overturn a call. If it takes them more than 1 min of looking at the video replay the evidence is obviously not irrefutable. Refs are making these calls live and in realtime. The review team should not have virtually unlimited time to make these reviews. Call on the mat should stand.

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Not only does it fundamentally change the nature of the sport regarding conditioning, it's horrible TV seeing the refs holding a phone for 10 minutes. They changed other aspects to make the sport "more exciting" for a broader audience yet expand a brutally slow system that invites people to turn the channel?

  • Bob 1
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Issues w/ the review:  
* Destroys the flow of the match; constant stoppages & standing around (the list could very simply end right here); it’s embarrassing 
* Conditioning aspect is removed; this rewards the naturally gifted as opposed to the grinders 
* Changes how a wrestler would compete (e.g., a wrestler that is awarded a 3 PT TD will not necessarily wrestle all the way through a position if he feels safe where he is and has already secured points) 
* Alters the dramatic energy of the final moment; wrestler, coaches, & fan emotions/energy are all paused when the brick comes flying in; the official is on the phone as opposed to raising an excited competitor’s hand (I’m not a fan of over-the-top celebrations but the current disruption is lame)
* Holding mats so that the same weight class is contested at the same time; I’m indifferent to this generally speaking – but not when the review is in play.  Matches typically wrapped up at the same time before the review.  Not now.  Just an abundance of nervous pacing and waiting since an official is likely on the phone for at least one of the 8 mats in the lighter weight class (all to silence on the individual ESPN+ mats which foolishly did not have a single announcer present as they used to – an awful step backwards in coverage)

* Remove the review entirely (which would get my vote); or, if absolutely needed…
* New challenge rules to make them very few & far between:
^ Limit the number of challenges allowed
^ Drastically deter coaches from throwing the brick (e.g., a lost challenge results in 2 points for the opposing wrestler)
^ The review time-limit would need to be capped at no more than :30 (if more time is needed, it’s simply inconclusive & the call stands); any amount of time over :30 is unacceptable.  I think the reality is that even if they were to achieve this – which is a compromise many don’t even want (including me) - we’d still be stuck w/ the follow-up effort to straighten out the clocks, audio/video issues, etc.  It will still be a mess.  
^ Consider an unsportsmanlike team point deduction for coaches that throw bricks in desperate attempts simply because they have one to burn (official discretion) 

My .02:
I’m a life-long fan of the sport.  The actual wrestling was excellent.  Unless the review is wiped out or dramatically changed, though, I will be leaving it as a spectator - & I won’t be the only one.   


  • Bob 1
  • Brain 1
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8 minutes ago, Guinness Farts said:

Issues w/ the review:  
* Destroys the flow of the match; constant stoppages & standing around (the list could very simply end right here); it’s embarrassing 
* Conditioning aspect is removed; this rewards the naturally gifted as opposed to the grinders 
* Changes how a wrestler would compete (e.g., a wrestler that is awarded a 3 PT TD will not necessarily wrestle all the way through a position if he feels safe where he is and has already secured points) 
* Alters the dramatic energy of the final moment; wrestler, coaches, & fan emotions/energy are all paused when the brick comes flying in; the official is on the phone as opposed to raising an excited competitor’s hand (I’m not a fan of over-the-top celebrations but the current disruption is lame)
* Holding mats so that the same weight class is contested at the same time; I’m indifferent to this generally speaking – but not when the review is in play.  Matches typically wrapped up at the same time before the review.  Not now.  Just an abundance of nervous pacing and waiting since an official is likely on the phone for at least one of the 8 mats in the lighter weight class (all to silence on the individual ESPN+ mats which foolishly did not have a single announcer present as they used to – an awful step backwards in coverage)

* Remove the review entirely (which would get my vote); or, if absolutely needed…
* New challenge rules to make them very few & far between:
^ Limit the number of challenges allowed
^ Drastically deter coaches from throwing the brick (e.g., a lost challenge results in 2 points for the opposing wrestler)
^ The review time-limit would need to be capped at no more than :30 (if more time is needed, it’s simply inconclusive & the call stands); any amount of time over :30 is unacceptable.  I think the reality is that even if they were to achieve this – which is a compromise many don’t even want (including me) - we’d still be stuck w/ the follow-up effort to straighten out the clocks, audio/video issues, etc.  It will still be a mess.  
^ Consider an unsportsmanlike team point deduction for coaches that throw bricks in desperate attempts simply because they have one to burn (official discretion) 

My .02:
I’m a life-long fan of the sport.  The actual wrestling was excellent.  Unless the review is wiped out or dramatically changed, though, I will be leaving it as a spectator - & I won’t be the only one.   



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