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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Yep. FSU proved what MOST knew all along.
  2. Vivek is full of shit. Bahahahahahhahahahahah. Like they ALL aren’t full of shit.
  3. What a bunch of gutless reporters.
  4. Wanted: experienced bouncers to monitor wrestling practice. Must be able to talk shi$ and flex.
  5. From what I’ve seen from you on here its what’s called straight A stupid.
  6. Not according to social media.
  7. College wrestling’s image is just fine with or without him.
  8. Which makes it not good for wrestling that he’s participating??
  9. All the discussion he gets from places like this isn’t good? There’s an old saying that “any publicity is good publicity”. Just because you and others don’t like him doesn’t really mean squat.
  10. AJ participating seems good for college wrestling.
  11. Oh and I am considering AZ for part of the year. But I’m thinking the coastline in TX is much better.
  12. You’re welcome!!!!! I love making people laugh. It’s what I do. Oh and the science came from my blue state governors model that he used used to shut things down. The one that said if you’re <65 with no underlying health concerns you have a 99.5%+ recovery rate if you get the vid. I had Covid in June of 2020. It was nothing. Had the flu many times that was waaaaay worse. You continue being the sheeple you are are in 2024. Happy New year and God Bless YOU!!!!
  13. Isn’t it the American way to take the easy way out now days? She should be applauded.
  14. She made the ultimate mistake assuming people were smart enough to understand it was about slavery AND some other things. You have to cover it all for the wokers.
  15. Evolution is real.
  16. Awesome news. Simply amazing since gun sales continue to rise.
  17. When you’re in the car by yourself it’s not for anyones benefit. Btw I followed the science and didn’t wear one. Herd immunity. You’re welcome.
  18. I won’t be able to understand you with your mask on anyway so why bother?
  19. IKR? You’re welcome. BTW, I’m sure they make a shot for your syndrome(s). Or maybe it’s a Trump booster for your Ronnie syndrome. Either way enjoy wearing your mask in the car when your by yourself.
  20. Before. Bahahhahahahahahahhaha. No idea what you’re talking about but ok sure. Whatever you say. Bahahahhahahahahhahaha
  21. You have TDS AND RDS. Carter was a terrible President. He made Regan look good.
  22. I’m guessing you try really hard in that name the snowplow contest every winter huh???
  23. Now try math……
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