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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. There’s an estimated 5,000,000 children of unlawful immigrants in our public school system. It cost $15,000 per student of which the federal gov covers 8% of which is $1,200 Do the math for yourself.
  2. When wokers tore them down. Abe Lincoln had his statue torn down by you wokers. And he freed the slaves.
  3. You can’t disprove them can you???
  4. Democrats are the KKK
  5. I’m waiting for you to disprove the numbers.
  6. Democrats are white supremacists. remember the civil war??
  7. Prove the facts wrong.
  8. What’s stopping you from paying more than you do now?????? They’ll surely take it.
  9. Ahhhhhhh the dwindling big cities. Makes sense.
  10. https://www.fairus.org/issue/illegal-immigration/elephant-classroom-mass-immigration-imposing-colossal-cost-and-challenges#:~:text=Based on these figures%2C at,LEP costs across the nation. imagine what $55 billion could do
  11. https://www.fairus.org/issue/illegal-immigration/elephant-classroom-mass-immigration-imposing-colossal-cost-and-challenges#:~:text=Based on these figures%2C at,LEP costs across the nation.
  12. https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/safety/public-school-enrollment-decline-why-students-are-leaving/
  13. Not in mine. Plenty of private school choices to attend and they’re doing very well.
  14. The lack of respect is from students, parents and administration. Not to mention they feel for their safety.
  15. Not federally. In the state I live in public schools are in decline while charter school is on the rise. Homeschooling is about even.
  16. Sounds like the taxes where you’re at are too high then. Where I’m at they make the avg median household income.
  17. Letting the government get involved like Jimmy Inflation Carter did was the kids of death for education. Like anything else the government touches it ruins it.
  18. Lack of respect for teachers is as big of a reason to why people don’t want to teach as pay is.
  19. Education budget is $175 billion. $92 billion for k-12. Plenty of money if it’s used correctly and not corruptly
  20. Huh? Teachers aren’t paid very much but they’re the reason for the high cost??? Good grief.
  21. Lack of funding. Bahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahha. Try unions.
  22. The third grade name calling continues. Bahahahahahhahahaha
  23. And I’m not sure what the cost of college has to do with kids in k-12 not being able to read or write
  24. And what caused the increase ????
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