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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. Any laws or rules broken? If not, stfu
  2. What’s really interesting is how many people know they’re both full of shit but have to vote for one to “try” prevent the other from remaining in office. It’s also amazing how many people don’t vote at all but still complain.
  3. It’s a social media site. Anyone can join the conversation there Skippy. Nobody needed any protecting. Your comment was baseless and stupid.
  4. Libtardo James Carville has been saying it’s 50/50 that Trump won’t show.
  5. You, TPT and a couple more aliases. Nice family you got there. Looks like the one in the middle has transitioned. Good for “it”.
  6. Poverty levels were already at 57%. You have to try something
  7. And you know that it’s not? Thx Nostradamus jr?
  8. Or you can just blame the ref. Like those that support DEI
  9. Probably want to be like Biden
  10. I’m guessing you ain’t letting an illegal feed that ham to your nieces unattended.
  11. It’s being restricted all over the world for a reason. Groomers
  12. They’re kids. Leave them alone.
  13. Gotta love the “leave it alone and do nothing” crowd
  14. Whatever you say skippy
  15. What are you even talking about?
  16. But but but libtardos don’t lie. Just ask TPT and his alias’s.
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/09/health/europe-transgender-youth-hormone-treatments.html hmmmmmmmmm
  18. Careful with that one. He’s a zooma zoom Groomer.
  19. https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/elon-musk-and-other-dei-critics-are-latching-onto-mei-a-new-hiring-catchphrase-that-experts-say-misses-the-point/ar-BB1oNMVL?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=018a774175ce4608883bfc9ba36ae5f6&ei=17 Hiring based on merit, excellence and intelligence. How it should be.
  20. You didn’t name ANY. Complete crap response by babble boy jr. AS USUAL
  21. Maybe TPTs libtardo buddies will come help him. I mean they love to defend him. Bahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhah. Get on those burner accounts to make it look like there are other sheeples drinking your kool aid
  22. TPT (babble boy jr) says to me…… You’re a jerk #rentfree you’re scared youre a third grader You’re a coward and a liar Chasing that dopamine then proceeds to tell me that all I do is toss insults. Oh the hypocrisy
  23. Bahhahahahahahahhaa. Triggered babble boy jr. I love it. Carry with your ️ jerk
  24. Every one of your comments is a biased driven ️ jerk. Carry on babble boy. Oh and may be time to switch back to the lobster burner account and use #rent free a couple more times.
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