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Ohio Elite

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Everything posted by Ohio Elite

  1. If your too stupid to get a government ID, you're probably too stupid to vote. Even hillbillies and people in the hood have ID'S. How you think they buy their alcohol? Seems like common sense..
  2. Fine. what is the punishment?
  3. You blaming me for this?
  4. Ohio Elite

    Bout time

    Cassar gets the win!
  5. Ohio Elite

    Bout time

  6. This has already been happening. Ever heard Biden talk?
  7. Who do you think has the best chance to get the job?
  8. Never heard of any of those guys except Byron
  9. Unfortunately we can't fix stupid people.
  10. Two full weeks and nothing...
  11. I was curious about Alaska, thanks
  12. Rhode Island ever win 1? Ahh never mind, probably d2 or 3
  13. Some gator tail?
  14. Stfu cunt bag.
  15. Which door?
  16. Why they sell twinkies in the vending machine is beyond me...
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