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Everything posted by Lleynor

  1. Many of us, including myself, consider Cael as the greatest Collegiate Wrestler. 159-0 pretty much speaks for itself. However, would you say he's the greatest 184 of all time? 197? I heard a discussion on ESPN this morning talking about the best at each position in the NFL respectively, and made me curious of the best of all time at each weight. I'm not stating the best individual season at each weight, but who was considered the best for a career at each. I guess one could look at individual seasons as well. Just curious of others opinions.
  2. I doubt it was Oklahoma State. I truly am curious as to who it was. Also, I'm curious of his skillset as a Head Coach. Like Burroughs, I don't see what he was able to do on the mats transferring to the mats as easily.
  3. Taz was born in Dagestan, and now he's a World Champion for Bahrain. You know that has to eat them up. Wasn't he trained at the Tank's Club growing up? I feel like I read that last year.
  4. Absolutely brother! All good on my end either way. Now if we could win 6 Golds....
  5. Dang, this would have definitely been a better conversation in person, without assumptions. My "Felicia " was definitely in regard to him no longer repping the RWB, not him not being a citizen. My apologies. Should've clarified. I have no problem with others supporting him financially; I was just clarifying why I would not. Looking back, I see how my messages could have been interpreted incorrectly. That one is on me brother. Appreciate you pointing that out.
  6. Those people were trash saying that to JB. As I've said previously, there's a big difference between him wearing his Nebraska singlet and his USA singlet. At OTTs, I was only wanting to see good wrestling. I was excited for whoever came out on top; not just the NLWC that you assume I'd only root for. As for RBY, I hope he wins Silver! As long as Lee is Gold. This doesn't make me a Xenophobe. It makes me one who supports my country. He technically is from my country, but took advantage of the system. Why do you choose to use names simply because I disagree with you? Not rooting for someone doesn't equate to dislike or prejudice.
  7. Haha. Negative. I just assumed. But I guess that's what I get for assuming.
  8. Do they not need a Coach to roll more so with the heavier classes?
  9. That PSU degree got me into Med School a decade ago, so I did learn to read a little there.
  10. It doesn't make me angry, at all. But the reality is he's asking fellow Americans to pay for his family to come and support him as a Mexican competitor. And yes, I know no one is asking me to pull for him. I was simply making my stance on how strongly I stand behind our 6, not other formers.
  11. No. It's a reality. I'm a PSU alum, and I hope Lee techs RBY in 15sec. This isn't college, it's bigger. It's about the Red, White, and Blue; and those repping the flag.
  12. Not anymore. Bye Felicia
  13. Nothing against RBY, but I am supporting the Red, White, and Blue representatives and their families before another flag. Is his nation that's he's repping not able to help his family?
  14. I always hear than no news is good news, but would still love some confirmation.
  15. Zain looks like an absolute tank on the mats. I am shocked that he doesn't get more par terre than he does. He won't be facing many as strong as him.
  16. How much longer until true 3rd, and does he have to make weight again??
  17. I disagree. I bet someone will.
  18. I bet a couple do. But who?
  19. Par-terre should be almost guaranteed to happen in Greco-Roman, in my opinion. Karelin is probably the true GOAT of wrestling. He made it super exciting. We need that for GR to thrive.
  20. When Messenbrink learns an ounce of defense, he'll be scary at the Senior level.
  21. I agree with what was said about Taylor. It was almost like he didn't want it anymore.
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