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Everything posted by Lleynor

  1. This is why I will never pull for him, RBY, or any other defector. There is no way in hell I'm supporting anyone on an International Level when the Red, White, and Blue are there. Zero, zilch, never. It shocks me that this is even a discussion of this matter.
  2. I'm going with a big Hell No. Love him or hate him, he brings up topics to discuss. He comes across as knowledgeable and not biased overall. I simply don't understand the hate this guy gets. Some of us come to this board to get away from the struggles of work, family, or life in general. My work is hard, and very demanding, and I like having a break to put my mind elsewhere, and this board does that sometimes. And it's mostly his topics. I hope he continues posting.
  3. I don't mean career. Just on the mat. Neither really excited me that much.
  4. This is where I am as well. As a True Freshman, he took out Stieber. Honest question. Do any of y'all really put Starocci in any od the top categories. Like Stieber I mentioned above, these two won 4 but just still was lackluster to me.
  5. If that's the case, give it to Grey at Cornell. Besides the top, there was lots of balance in the field fighting for 2nd, and no one really mentioned Cornell much as a consideration of being on the podium. It was all Mich, Iowa, ISU, NCSU.
  6. You are 100% right! It is okay for someone else to get it, when deserved however. PSU found a way to overachieve also in the NCAAs. 60% in the finals, an undersized True Freshman winning 7 straight in the consolation to take 3rd while beating 4 top 10s, and obviously the other accolades. I get it. PSU is a team of Iron. But let's not take for granted how well Sanderson, Cunningham, and staff sharpens it to its fullest.
  7. I believe I read somewhere about Zain being done after this cycle. He already has a full-time job lined up on him.
  8. One Coach just had two 4xers and set the National point record, as well as the margin of victory record. Oh, and he did it all in one year. No reason he should win it this year though.
  9. "No comment" says it all And why did Welsh go for the bad leg?!?! You go for the good leg, and make him base off the bad. David Taylor did the same damn thing against Cox in the OTTs years ago. Kills me that they miss that.
  10. Carr just stalled his ass to a Natty. He shouldn't be proud. That reffing was almost as Vito-Fix.
  11. It's Brooks by a mile for Hodge if he even wins by Decision tonight. OW would be him as well if he bonuses guaranteed. If Mess crushes Carr, which I doubt, he'd get consideration. Vito is right there as well.
  12. Andonian is just different compared to most, and Haines had to be very cautious of that. Teemer's quickness isn't quite the same as the creativity of BA of VT. No matter, I hope it's a nail biter either way.
  13. Truax bails the second he does that.
  14. Agree completely. Not as ludicrous as 174, but definitely.
  15. Amine just wrestled to not get Teched. That was pathetic.
  16. Was there no locked hands on the ASU Wrestler?
  17. I am so damn pumped for what I hope to be an amazing tournament. Here's to no injuries and suprising upsets! Let's watch a great 3-day event everyone! Cheers!
  18. If no one has ever watched the Rob Rohn Win, I highly suggest you YouTube it. That guy was maybe 30-45 seconds away from getting Teched, and a miracle move changed it all. Worth a watch!
  19. I know that he was a local kid to Lehigh, and that probably pushed his desire to go there. But who else made the final cut? I can't find a list on the web. I'm always intrigued with kids like this who aren't at the typical big programs, who are doing exceptional. Again, I'm not implying that Lehigh is UTC or Campbell, but they're definitely not PSU or Iowa either.
  20. It was brutal stalling by the OSU guy in that video.
  21. That is a bad ass story
  22. You know what's cooler than winning a B10 Individual Championship? Being a 4x National Champ with a chance to be the only person to win 5.
  23. As lame as it is to watch him, lack of offense doesn't equal stalling. He's basically waiting for re-attacks and sound defense. Kyle Dake may be a 4xer, but he wasn't really lighting up scoreboards when in college. By no means am I saying this guy is at Dake's level, but my point is sometimes winning is more than flashy offense. He's a 7seed in thr finals at the B10 Tourney. His NCAA seed is going to be good no matter his match today.
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