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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Probably wasn’t the only time I was wrong yesterday. I’ve already been wrong twice today, and I’m just getting started…
  2. I kind of feel like we have a mental health problem, a coping problem, a human decency problem, a respect problem, a glorification of weapons problem, an access to weapons problem, a refusal to acknowledge all and just focus on the one or two that fit our bill problem……. All of which contribute to what is going on.
  3. Yup. Only really thought about car jackings. But the times they are a changing.
  4. I’m even worse, .25 Pretty much worthless these days, gonna have to up my game.
  5. 22 dead. Suspect still at large. He is/was (couldn’t find for if still current prior to yesterday) firearms instructor in the Army Reserve. This summer was in psychiatric hospital, claimed of hearing voices. Walked into bowling alley/bar and opened fire. Ran out and as of this morning still at large. We all know what gun was used. Terrifying. Put all the right/left aside. It’s devastating we have to think about escape plans when we take our family out for some fun.
  6. It got even better. It wasn’t just Gaetz, but Gaetz on Bannon’s show. And Gaetz acting upset with Bannon because he couldn’t reach him When he needed his advice. It was kinda funny actually. MAGA!!
  7. Hillary Hillary Hillary. We’re back to her again? Someone on the radio must have told you to be mad. Please, just let her go away.
  8. I didn’t pick up the sarcasm, my bad. Apologies.
  9. Allowed to have an opinion……… all knowers of everything kid, every aspect of every subject matter a kid should ever learn. Quite a big leap there pal. You can understand my confusion to what you were meaning.
  10. You think their conscious…and constituency, is telling them to vote for a MAGA candidate?? You can’t be serious. Did you even happen to notice the HUGE difference in the Republican ballots last week that were on the public floor vs behind closed doors? You need to think this through better.
  11. I have five, and that is just wrong. If people were limited to being allowed to have an opinion only on something they have done….well then what the hell are all of us doing here? 95% in this site would be relegated to the HS Wrestling message board.
  12. Okay. Still not sure how you made that connection but just to be clear, I am against banning books, in large part because I believe it is on the parents to instill the values and ideals in their children. Responsibly, well mannered, of course.
  13. How did you get, from my response, that I feel the government has more responsibility than parents to raise their children. I emphasized your statement that said the opposite, then said i was against book banning period for that reason. I'm confused.
  14. Highlighted for emphasis. For what it's worth, I am completely against book banning, period. Because of the emphasized statement.
  15. "Conservative" isn't solely exclusive to politics. The term and its meaning relates to many things other than politics: values, ideals, religious practices, etc. It is a combination of these things that make up our politics, but speaking about conservative values and ideals is not exclusive to defining one's politics. And that's how I took that statement, relating more to values and ideas than politics.
  16. Probably the best point in the whole write up.
  17. If he had any chance at all to get to 217, it went out the window with their little press conference yesterday.
  18. Are Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis, Cheesbro, Nauta, Measows, ‘Trump while Candidate’? No. But you know what they are….talking. (And soon to be RINO’s, against America, China agents, blah blah blah)
  19. As if we didn’t already know, but it’s out now that Meadows has flipped and given immunity. Not a good day for MAGA.
  20. Pretty cool link and interesting ‘quiz’. I think two things of note when people read it: it was written in 2012. Things have shifted a little; the writer points out it’s not a definition of conservatism, but a collection of what individuals feel it means to be conservative. Good stuff
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