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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. The measure of a man is how many different topics he can find to be outraged about, and the level of effort he puts into that outrage. Some of us should strive to be more outrageous.
  2. Micheal Franti and Spearhead at the SugarShack on the big screen is making for some good Saturday morning coffee. (Along with the lamb chops and eggs on the grill)
  3. A lot of anger on the board lately
  4. Might be a bit late
  5. I kinda think Elon is just a master troll and this particular instance worked very well.
  6. Great stuff, love it! I love that ride up to Nine Miles
  7. Definitely one of my top five as well. And I didn’t mean to sound like the book wasn’t good, I didn’t word that well. I’ve heard of it and am sure it is great. I’ve read a few. Seen many many an interview and documentary, etc. Have been to Jamaica several times including Trenchtown, Kingston 12, Culture Yard, Nine Mile. My late wife we married on a Jamaican beach. So I was being a prick know it all saying that book ain’t gonna teach me nothing! Having said that….I now may be enticed to go read it. Why not??
  8. The album. But I’d bet dollars to donuts I could listen/read the book, and wouldn’t learn a damn thing.
  9. Couldn’t agree more. You are right about . They’ll start going into hiding, we saw that begin on Wednesday the 6th. The nut swingers will grab their Kleenex and pull one off everytime he does something ‘cool’. We saw that beginning on Wednesday as well, and sure is displayed here on the regular. And those that see the fun will have a good time….seeing and having fun with the fun. Winners all around!!
  10. Another chin wiper doing the dirty work because someone dared speak against the nut swing. This is going to be a fun four years!
  11. If ever there was a thread where the napkins were needed…
  12. Just out of curiosity. What do you do to have fun, to be happy?
  13. If you think I’m a leftie you haven’t been paying attention. As I told Husker I’m kinda just an asshole calling out dumb comments. Just because you and some other chin wipers fit the bill more often than others, has nothing to do with my governing preferences.
  14. We need a napkin emoji for those times when people in here need to wipe their chin....
  15. Not sure, I wasn't there. I tend to leave something like this based on my own experiences, not on media stories. I'll leave that to those who can't decide if its a day we shouldn't trust the media, or if its a day that things in the media give us all warm fuzzies. It's a revolving door with some of ya'll.
  16. What I’ve been reading here is that people have been made to believe FEMA is an insurance company, at the detriment of not understanding what FEMA is and is not. Makes sense now.
  17. In what way. Unfortunately I've had to deal with them a lot, as both a homeowner and from the community side of things. Each time they have been pretty tremendous, everyone around here grateful.
  18. So….he did have protection, and he was never anywhere close to a major presidential candidate. I get it. The rest is just sheep talk. ✌
  19. Precisely. You tried to make a comparison. The point is, constant death threats after 40 years of high level positions in the federal government. And since you tried to make the comparison, I asked what were RFK’s tenure in high level positions with the federal govt. You don’t just get protection for being an addicted woman abusing asshole. You at least have to hold a qualifying position while being an addicted woman abusing asshole. But when the real point isn’t convenient for us, let’s make a new point that makes us feel better!
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