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Everything posted by Husker_Du

  1. not to that percentage. and you're totally dismissing the trend put forth by others. it's really funny that the left calls out people for 'stereotyping' and yet they are the most judgmental of all. here you are painting anyone with a modicum of leftist dissent all kinds of extremists. clown shit. and zero intellectual integrity. you're cultish.
  2. yo, Mike P! let's run it back, baby!
  3. Actually a really light week. Only got a couple intriguing ones Friday Nino Bonaccorsi -3.5 vs. Jaxon Smith Saturday Yianni -4.5 Austin Gomez Jacob Cardenas -1.5 Braxton Amos Rutgers -6.5 @ Stanford Nino Bonaccorsi -1.5 vs. Michael Beard Make your picks!
  4. i love the effort, but none of us think it's the hurdle you think it is.
  5. this is the greatest idea in the history of message boards. 1) did you come up with it yourself? 2) @BobDole can we do that?
  6. shut up. you sound like an idiot.
  7. Bernard what can you point to as evidence that he's sharp? and what about his platform do you like? letting criminals out? stopping fracking (which he lied about)?
  8. uh, no, brainiac. you do understand that the above graph shows that 18-29 y/o's effectively swung the midterms.
  9. spot on Jross. i'm really beginning to like you lol.
  10. it's nature taking its course. the shit coins are getting vetted.
  11. yeah, ya know what, i rescind that take lol. i don't want any regulation. but one thing that you seem to keep sidestepping in your 'crypto-will-never-work' rhetoric is the FACT that many of these failing projects and exchanges are either based on nothing tangible, corrupt, or both. there are those that have value and make sense.
  12. there doesn't have to be a rule that governs all sports. this rule for wrestling (where TR Frosh can wrestle in 5 dates) is a wrestling-only rule. there's no reason they can't amend it to whatever the hell they please
  13. crypto, until this point, has been the wild west. i would welcome regulation (i think), and i'm typically not a regulation guy
  14. I agree with you on the auditory response issue. it's not prohibitive. but i'll tell you what is - his intellect and agenda. he's a moron and radical.
  15. yeah. no. that's not how it happened. it wasn't my idea at all. though i wish it were b/c it works great. nice of you to lie again, though.
  16. the problem it fixes is that more kids can get in the starting lineup which (as we have seen in the rule's first two weeks of existence) makes things much more exciting in a sport that has seen it's regular season dampened. also keeps a higher percentage of the roster engaged. ^^^ that's the factual part the other part, which people can debate their feelings on, is that we now have a system that is largely chaotic in which guys work the system to maintain eligibility for 7 years. there's another prong of the argument in which the case could be made that having 4 years only, or 5 years max would help ease the coaches' management of schollies in a sport where there's not even enough to support the starting lineup fully.
  17. are you having a difficult time wrapping your head around it? it's pretty simple. and exponentially more simple than what we have currently.
  18. @Dark Energy credit yourself for the genesis of it. i feel (in a lot of different aspects of the world) that we add layers of rules that make things really out of whack that we should often times just revert to very simple structures.
  19. correct
  20. Are stupid. Discuss.
  21. that's a pretty fair, though simplistic, assessment.
  22. all investment based. real projects certainly have investments, but the viable ones have legitimate application. RAE does. there are those based on speculation, and those (far fewer) based on front-facing product. the reason many poo-poo crypto is b/c most of them are indeed scams and schemes. y'all are just not familiar enough to form an intelligent position and i'm not trying to be insulting about that.
  23. Mike, you're a very very smart dude. you also have your mind made up and like to poo poo crypto. viable projects will work and be sustainable. those that are a shell game will be gone. if you don't believe that, you don't. i respect you. but i believe it. i'm literally living in the world that works.
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