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Everything posted by Sublime607

  1. I was born in 1984 coincidence I think not. Baston Booger are you my real dad?
  2. You have to respect what Japan has done. 10 years ago it would be a joke if someone listed them as a threat to win overall worlds and Olympics. They don't Gass and are technically sound. If wrestling grows in popularity because of these recent results we might be looking at the new king of wrestling in future.
  3. That's a unfair assumption with the Drago comment stop making excuses when someone runs into a better wrestler.
  4. Not many in New York even thought Dake was going to become what he is today. Alex Ekstrom and Ian Paddock were the top two for his weight and age.
  5. You left out that they benefited from having VT transfers during that run.
  6. Was kind of hoping they wouldn't field a team this year with all their recruiting struggles.
  7. Well in Cornell case they use the Jonathan Kaloust Bearcat Open as their wrestle off
  8. I really don't see Rulon having much success with his age, weight fluctuations and the hell hes put on his body over the years. It would be a nice story but probably not realistic.
  9. Nifong was tampering with evidence and it was later found out that he had done it in other cases also. He was nothing more than a media hound looking to farther his career at the expense of the innocent and guilty.
  10. Rarer than Normal is finding a Penn State fan pre Cal they really didn't exist on message boards back then.
  11. Yes Ithaca NY where Covid restrictions are taken very seriously (thought they might turn it into the second coming Salem Witch Trials for a second) and heroine injection sites are as easy as ordering Pie. Worked in Ithaca for years and even the democratic party thinks Ithaca is to democratic. Just look at what happend when Starbucks came to town. Here's look at you Ithaca and all it's bat shi$ crazy citizen just wanted to let you know all those years I had to say I love you because my work required me to I was faking it just like all your wife's do.
  12. All wrestlers that earn a spot in the final X should have to eliminate every single wrestler that qualified. It's really the only way to be sure.
  13. Ithaca is its own kind of special the policy's they use to solve problems are just absurd. Being a Cornell fan for me is solely to the wrestling team and not the university or the city itself.
  14. In no way should fan vote be a factor for the Hodge.
  15. Northern Colorado seems to have a good thing going on.
  16. Mekhi "SV escape or ride out" Lewis.
  17. Every silver lining's got a touch of grey. will get by will survive
  18. I went to a Pagan wedding once that involved jumping a broom. No lie
  19. It's possible now that someone with enough power and money could indirectly buy a championship team with promises of likeness. It wouldn't be profitable but could be done for no other reason than ego. It's going to happen at some point in a college sport.
  20. We do feel good about the finals but still empty inside without that team title. That's the ultimate goal.
  21. They using dial up or something for replays.
  22. Ramos starting to remind me of Jessie Delgado with the scrambling
  23. Had a feeling this might blow up and bring internet GIF type fame
  24. It's hard to root against someone who represents Air Force. Really wanted to see him win the national championship.
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