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Everything posted by Thumper

  1. How anyone can rank Mesenbrink at # 7 is beyond me. Definitely too low for that guy IMO. Also I think Kasak will be in the top 10 soon. His only loss this season was a 4-1 loss to his Penn State teammate Beau Bartlett at 141 lbs (back on Nov. 19th at a tournament). His highest ranked opponent to date at 149 lbs (Graham Rooks of Indiana # 46 on WrestleStat) was beaten by Tech Fall (15-0 in 6:59)
  2. It's too bad it's not being televised. The WrestleStat dual comparison feature - when you plug in Little Rock vs. Oregon State - is shown as a 20-13 win for Oregon State. However they have Oregon State's # 82 ranked Nash Singleton beating Little Rock's # 48 ranked Kyle Dutton at 149 lbs. Switch that 149 lb match to a win for Little Rock and it's a one point win for Oregon State - 17-16. Their only common opponent is ASU's Kyle Parco and Singleton lost by MD (14-3) last December and Dutton lost 4-0 to Parco on the 19th of this month, i.e., five days ago. Every other match in the dual comparison has the higher ranked wrestler winning the match but for reasons unknown at 149 lbs they show the much lower ranked guy winning that match. Also at 157 lbs they have Little Rock's Matt Bianchi winning 8-7 over Oregon State's Isaiah Crosby. Yet the last time these two wrestled each other Bianchi won by MD (16-7) at the 2023 PAC 12 tournament. To me this appears to be a pretty evenly matched dual. Too bad only local (Corvallis/Salem/Eugene) area Oregon State fans will be able to watch it.
  3. The other three PAC 12 teams (Arizona State, Cal Poly and CSUB) have no wrestling events this week.
  4. FRIDAY - January 26, 2024 - 6 p.m. PT Little Rock @ Oregon State - Not on any PAC 12 network apparently SUNDAY - January 28, 2024 - 3 p.m. PT Little Rock @ Stanford - Televised on the PAC 12 Bay Area channel
  5. at Cal State University @ Bakersfield. This news was broken 9 days ago on the CSUB wrestling website but since nobody else mentioned it here I thought I'd do so. https://gorunners.com/news/2024/1/12/wrestling-smith-welcomes-assistant-coach-anthony-valencia.aspx https://gorunners.com/sports/wrestling/roster#sidearm-roster-coaches
  6. According to the dim-witted 3rd grader here just about EVERYONE is "an idiot". Someone who repeatedly goes around calling numerous others "an idiot" is someone with a GIGANTIC inferiority complex. Also the word PATHETIC springs to mind. Now if I only had a million dollars for every time that this GIGANTIC TOOL has called someone on this forum an idiot................. All he really has to do to see "an idiot" is look into any mirror. Any mirror will do.
  7. I see the dim-witted 3rd grader is still busy making it clear that he is the epitome of the image he chooses to include in his posts. That's a bold strategy Cotton. https://youtu.be/4Ru8DMW-grY
  8. I think it's great that they allow dim-witted 3rd graders to post here.
  9. I would think that either ASU or Little Rock (or both) will produce a story on this dual sometime between now and next Friday. Maybe the lineups for each team will be detailed then. I don't expect Figueroa will be in the lineup (probably Mascarenas at 125 for ASU) and I would think Ruiz will be in the lineup for ASU at 165 rather than Wilner.
  10. Try HERE https://www.bigtenplus.com/en-int/page/home
  11. Absolutely. I'm not suggesting that Little Rock WILL beat Arizona State. After all WrestleStat's dual comparison's predicitons are usually worse then the nightly weatherman's predictions.
  12. I don't know the answers to your smart-alec questions here but IF Little Rock does, in fact, beat Arizona State next Friday it would be the first time they have beaten a PAC 12 wrestling team that isn't named Cal State University at Bakersfield. Little Rock has beaten CSUB twice in the 4 1/2 years since they started their wrestling team. But CSUB is the ONLY PAC 12 wrestling team that Little Rock has defeated in those 4 1/2 years.
  13. According to the WrestleStat dual comparison feature they show Little Rock will defeat Arizona State 17-16 and that's with ASU's Richard Figueroa starting at 125 lbs. He hasn't competed since Dec. 29th at the Midlands tournament where he was injured. https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/4/arizona-state/1301/little-rock
  14. I signed in with Sling and it doesn't allow me to watch it. F#$# Stanford.
  15. You're right. In the past this was always available on the Stanford website as a live stream. But CLEARLY they have changed the way they do things to make it even more maddening than it has been in the past. I subscribe to Sling TV which is supposed to have the PAC 12 networks and I can't see a way to watch this.
  16. You don't have access to the Stanford wrestling website? That's where this will be shown. https://pac-12.com/wrestling/event/2024/01/10/missouri-stanford P.S. ALL COMPLAINTS about Stanford's live-stream of this should go where they belong - to Stanford.
  17. I'm looking at my PAC 12 channel guide for tonight and the PAC 12 streaming channel for the Bay Area has a REPLAY of the WOMEN'S basketball game between Washington and Stanford scheduled for 5:30 p.m. PT thru 7 p.m. PT today - just as it did early this morning and yesterday. There is nothing on any of the PAC 12 streaming channels for any PAC 12 wrestling events for today. I also searched Sling TV (which is what I use to get the PAC 12 channels) and the ONLY NCAA wrestling listed on Sling TV (other than two Big 10 matches later this month) is the Penn State at Oregon State from last week.
  18. Yes. It always has been in the past. Whether there will be any audio or announcers remains to be seen.
  19. The dual is supposed to start at: 6 p.m. Pacific 7 p.m. Mountain 8 p.m. Central 9 p.m. Eastern I'm just hoping they will have some audio this time. The last few times I've tried to watch the Stanford Live stream there was video but no audio at all.
  20. Missouri fans especially should take notice of the start time as Missouri has this listed on their wrestling schedule as beginning at 4 p.m. CT (which would be 2 p.m. PT) https://mutigers.com/sports/wrestling/schedule Wednesday's Probable Matchups 125: #12 Nico Provo (STAN) vs. #9 Noah Surtin (MIZZOU) 133: #21 Tyler Knox OR Dom LaJoie (STAN) vs. #31 Kade Moore (MIZZOU) 141: #28 Jason Miranda (STAN) vs. #21 Josh Edmond OR Zeke Seltzer (MIZZOU) 149: #11 Jaden Abas (STAN) vs. #29 Logan Gioffre (MIZZOU) 157: #6 Daniel Cardenas (STAN) vs. #10 Brock Mauller (MIZZOU) 165: #28 Hunter Garvin (STAN) vs. #1 Keegan O’Toole (MIZZOU) 174: #21 Lorenzo Norman OR Tye Monteiro (STAN) vs. #6 Peyton Mocco (MIZZOU) 184: Jack Darrah (STAN) vs. #11 Clayton Whiting (MIZZOU) 197: #17 Nick Stemmet (STAN) vs. #3 Rocky Elam (MIZZOU) 285: Peter Ming (STAN) vs. #6 Zach Elam (MIZZOU) This dual match can be watched online on the Stanford Live Stream here: https://pac-12.com/wrestling/event/2024/01/10/missouri-stanford It will NOT be televised on the PAC 12 Bay Area TV channel (they have a replay of a basketball game scheduled for that time slot) Live STATS are also available here: https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/seasons/MainFrame.jsp?TIM=1704890865044&twSessionId=jvqytaovgp&loadBalanced=true&pageName=%2Ftw%2Fseasons%2FDualMatches.jsp
  21. Truax and Munoz have faced each other six times in college (after last night's match). Truax won the first four of those six matches against Munoz. The fifth time Munoz pinned Truax and last night (the 6th time) Truax lost by decision. So I'd say - if anything - Truax showed improvement over his last match against Munoz.
  22. Arizona State was without three starters (assuming Ruiz is now the starter at 165) and Iowa State was without two starters. Even if ASU had all of their starters in the lineup it's doubtful if they would have won that dual. Especially with both Teemer and Schultz losing their matches.
  23. You are incorrect when you wrote "they had no other choice". That is simply false. They had the choice of staying in the PAC 12 with Oregon State and Washington State. IF they had stayed the course they would be sharing in the 2023-2024 PAC 12 revenue that Oregon State and Washington State will be enjoying for years to come. Instead they made the moronic choice to triple their travel expenses and compete against schools literally on the other side of the United States (I bet the parents of the athletes are thrilled about that - NOT). Keep in mind that the "leaders" at Stanford are the same group of ivory towered dimwits who wanted to eliminate about one third of their athletic teams just a few years ago.
  24. What I would like to see is eight of the Division I wrestling schools come together and form their own eight team wrestling conference. Namely these eight wrestling programs: Air Force Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Cal State University - Bakersfield Northern Colorado Oregon State Stanford Utah Valley Wyoming And the Big 12 would still have Arizona State Iowa State Missouri North Dakota State Northern Iowa Oklahoma State South Dakota State West Virginia With Oklahoma heading to the S.E.C. does Oklahoma wrestling remain in the Big 12?
  25. And at the risk of appearing to be sexist - now that the MWC commissioner is a female my comment that I see no way on Earth that the MWC adds wrestling - is even more likely to be correct.
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