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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. So you think justice is applied equally? As long as it isn't applied to the D's at all? Got it.... There is so much hypocrisy in your post Plasi. I'll address one...what is "MAGA"?? I assume you and others use that word to not be divisive??? Right after complaining about someone being angry and divisive?? Bottom line is you tow the partisan line more than anyone...D's are good and R's are bad. You only choose to look at things from one perspective and that is from the D's are good and the R's are bad.
  2. Here is what is happening...dems think it is a nothing burger...repubs think it is the smoking gun. Problem is politics gets in the way of being logical and you all are demonstrating that...Trump is corrupt...Biden is corrupt. Get out of your own way and quite being partisan. You dems who think Biden or his son didn't profit from dad's position are freaking idiots. Trump is an idiot who also profited from being president...he at least had a few good policies.
  3. LOL...great question! And once again I see he can't respond to the actual topic when given facts.
  4. There will either be crickets from GWN, or he will start calling people names...funny how actual facts and proving him wrong works
  5. I get with what you are saying here. And while I don't necessarily always agree with the concept of side stepping our justice system and taking the law into one's own hands, I truly understand how people are feeling in regard to not seeing justice happen for burring of flags, rioting, disrespecting and assaulting police, etc. and what they want to do about it. Love the sentiment of the song in that the community looks out for each other to do what is right based on their beliefs.
  6. Annndddd??? So, you have no problem with someone stomping on and burning a flag...a lot of others do have a problem with it and seeing it causes a visceral response. You do you, but don't sit there on your moral pedestal telling people how to feel or act towards such a cowardly act...same with cussing out a cop and/or spitting on them, etc. You don't like it don't go to a small town and don't listen to the song...and subsequently I would expect you wouldn't listen to a lot of the rap songs either.
  7. I was razzing you! Now if you were Mikey I would have meant it!
  8. If this was Trump though...you'd have him in the chair already.
  9. My guess is that even the people I tend to argue with more than others, including yourself, are probably very good people and I would get along with them in real life. One of my best friends in the whole world is complete opposite of me politically. We have great respectful, sometimes heated, debates/conversations and usually are laughing together afterwards.
  10. ??? What things that some on here, including YOU, called conspiracy theories turned out to, in fact, be conspiracy theories? How about this...all the things I listed previously (lock downs, face masks, canceling things for kids and their schools, etc.), which do you feel were wrong for being implemented? Do you admit you were wrong for arguing with people like me who said they were all wrong from the beginning, us who actually DID trust the science? {I know you won't ever do that}
  11. Good question Rasta...I personally don't really care how long it takes to receive it; however, I do understand that a "reasonable" timeframe should be expected. I also would want to know the reason for the wait and what information is being looked at before approval is made. If the wait was just to wait, then maybe a day or two should do it. I understand why some think this will help if someone with mental instabilities is all cranked up and wants to go shoot up a place may calm down if they can't get a weapon right away, but I would think that any person wanting to do ill will to others would take that piece into consideration, so it just isn't a clear and cut thing. Again, personally I wouldn't have a problem if I had to wait a week if I were to try and purchase an AR.
  12. Who denied its existence? You are denying that you know nothing about guns. You can't even describe guns based on your woke dictionary definition.
  13. Seriously??? Efficacy of face masks, closing things down, social distancing, kids and schools, origin of Covid, how Covid deaths were counted....shall I go on???
  14. I understand...a little...your logic here, but what is missed is the VAST majority of gun owners who own AR style rifles (like 99.999999999999%) are not mentally ill and should have every right to own one whether people don't understand why they would.
  15. And this is the post of the thread right here...LOLOLOLOL
  16. Ugh...sad...sorry to hear Yeah...very scary. Just don't understand why people refuse to even entertain the thought that the vaccine might have something to do with it. But they have no problem jumping to conclusions about what sort of ailments Covid causes without any scientific "proof".
  17. My teenage son didn't and will not ever get the Covid vaccine. HIs and his parents' choice. Had Covid once and the only reason he knew was because he lost his sense of smell.
  18. So we should take what some dictionary says over what the military and gun EXPERTS say...got it. Guess if you look hard enough you'll find something that fits your narrative vs. what reality is.
  19. I am all for following the science, but this is eerily started to sound like all the Covid crap a year ago where people pick and choose which "science" to follow. Funny part is that a lot of the "conspiracy theories" have been proven true in regards to Covid...yet here we are again. Just interesting how people are so quick to just dismiss the vaccine as a cause...wonder why that is? As for the cardiac arrests...not sure what to think of it, but it sure is alarming.
  20. But...but...the dictionary says....
  21. There it is...once again we all marvel at the pure brilliance of GWN...thank you for being here...just think how many "e's" would be lost if it weren't for you...you deserve it, go pat yourself on your back and keep repeating how smart you are in that mirror. Did I forget any "e's"??
  22. Please ole wise one...we are not as smart as you so can explain what in the hell this means?? We just dum dum's whu cant tink so gooder
  23. This just seems so shady and weird...does this happen a lot where the judge rejects the plea deal?
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