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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. This has got to be the funniest post of all time....oh to be able to go back and revisit the Covid posts...LOL!!! Weakest argument ever..."it's now man...who talks about the past?" I know....I know...now you will call me names, PM me, get your undies all in a bunch, etc., etc. Dude...just admit you were wrong...it's very freeing. Don't worry...no one will think less of you as a man, or whatever you chose to identify as.
  2. My question is, for those that think there wasn't covid-hysteria, or there isn't still...can you explain all the people who continually walk around with masks on? Why are people still testing? Why the push to get your 100th booster? I know some have the cavalier attitude of well it's "different now" and "we did the best we could with what we knew at the time" and don't even get me started on how covid deaths were counted. All the things that were said by the experts in the VERY beginning of Covid held true and have played out true but somewhere along the line people went WAY overboard with the mandates. I know some on here like to forget how this all actually played out but in the very beginning they said it adversely effects people over a certain age and those with comorbidities. They said for those people to stay home, mask and/or social distance. Oh...how about "flatten the curve"?? All of those things turned into massive shutdowns, business closures, kids missing out on once in the lifetime opportunities, people couldn't say goodbye to loved ones, caused massive inflation and foods and goods shortages, etc. People want to forget about it and say "why talk about the past" b.s....but people need to be held accountable!! I know...I know they won't...and I know some on here will never admit they are wrong and will continue to post a bunch of dribble skirting around the facts to somehow make themselves feel better. And the Fauci's of the world will never get held responsible for the massive lies and hysteria they caused.
  3. Agreed @WrestlingRasta!
  4. I'm a soda drinker...no coffee. {walks away in shame}
  5. What yous guys talking bout?
  6. "pernt near"...Backwoods speak for close, not far away, etc. Right up there with "two tree" which would describe the amount of something..."How close are we to getting to the banjo jamboree?" "About two tree miles." "We's pernt near there."
  7. Ditto!! One of the traits I love about my son, he is small for his age, doesn't have an aggressive nature (unlike his dad), not good at wrestling, but will stick up for kids being bullied...only two times I ever got a call from the school about him was him sticking up for kids being bullied. I told him I was extremely proud of him and he will never get in trouble for it.
  8. That's where defining the word "extremism" comes into play.
  9. True. But some of it is pretty darn clear.
  10. Awesome!! In college I became friends with the guy I wrestled in my very first wrestling match ever (he beat me to a pulp and made me cry like a little baby - he ended up a two time HS state champ) and one night we went out, and he hated the football frat, so on our way home he made me go to the frat house and he is yelling at the top of his lungs and challenged anyone to come out and fight him (he was about 150lbs)...a few lights came on and people were looking out the windows, but no one came out. He was one tough SOB!
  11. I would agree with this. The number one thing that went sideways on this was it getting political, and that was done by both sides. True science and data went completely out the window. But it still was crazy, and still is, that when presented with actual facts and data, people wouldn't listen to, or even acknowledge it, and ultimately admit they were wrong about Covid. They just double down with the emotional talking points that hold no basis of reality other than to invoke an emotional response.
  12. I once got so mad that I overcooked some stakes that I threw a knife down and it went through a table...total mistake but was impressed with how far it went in. I notified the FBI...
  13. Definitely not an extremist. Have never protested. I think they are stupid...personally...but also feel very strongly that it should be people's right to do so...in a peaceful way without causing any issues with those choosing not to be part of the protest...ie., blocking traffic or people from doing their everyday life activities is extremist. I love a good discussion/debate about politics/religion/any other topic as I truly love learning how other people think. I hate when people get so emotional that they resort to name calling/generalization/lumping into groups/purposely not answer questions because "it's so dumb!"/etc.
  14. Agreed!! I know I have admitted to being wrong many many times on here. Don't expect that though from...cough cough... And yes, excellent job on MSPART's...well...part. Har...Har
  15. Very true! It definitely doesn't have to be violent. No. 2 - Can't discuss opposing political viewpoints without getting emotionally angry to the point you have to call people names/unfriend people/block people on social media/send personal messages/etc. No 3 - Can't discuss a topic without it turning it into someone or something being an "-ism" of some sort.
  16. There won't be a response...LOL
  17. I like this! Let's chat about characteristics. No. 1 - Let issues of society get them so emotional that they feel the need to commit violence on people and/or destroy property (I want to add to even protest but thought I better not. Ha!)
  18. THIS!!!! Saying this about a year ago would have got you called names like it did me without actually addressing the data. Noticed GWN wouldn't touch the actual data with a ten-foot pole in his response. Nor will any of the other pro-covid-hysteria types on here.
  19. You are right...I haven't read it...I don't to do so on my work computer; however, I in no way was commenting on "what they are doing wrong" rather just simply making a commentary (which is why I said quite getting so offended) about the different between data collection and data interpretation and presentation...I worked 11 years in drug development and know a thing or two about data collection and analysis just like you.
  20. Absolutely!
  21. That's between me and D3!
  22. I understand what you are saying @Ban Basketball but the science can be "good" and pure in its collection (so don't get offended so easily) but the interpretation and presentation of that data can 100% be biased and slanted.
  23. please don't tell me @D3 for LU one of your favorite magazines is Good Housekeeping!?!?
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