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Bigbrog last won the day on December 16 2024

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  1. My brother was on the wait list for these atrocious looking things, and I ribbed him relentlessly, he finally came to his senses when the release kept getting pushed back and the price kept going up and removed his name from the list.
  2. Instead of debating semantics, why don't you answer the question(s)...should or shouldn't illegals be deported when they commit a sex crime? Or better yet, should or shouldn't illegals be deported even if they didn't commit a sex crime?
  3. How do you feel about the topic instead of trying to deflect? Weak
  4. blah blah blah definitions blah blah blah.....should or shouldn't illegal's be deported if they are convicted of sex crimes??? And it's probably pretty safe to say that all the Dem's who voted against it didn't do it because of "definitions"
  5. Another interesting thing is I can't find even an article about the house vote on CNN.com...hmmm??
  6. This was the house vote...funny part is two different sites are reporting different number of D's who voted against the bill. House Passes Bill to Deport Immigrants Convicted of Violence Against Women - The New York Times 145 House Dems vote against bill to deport migrants who commit sexual assault | Fox News
  7. How can these people look themselves in the mirror...man! The mental gymnastics that they must be playing in their head to rationalize not getting these sick criminals out of our country just so they get votes.
  8. Every single D voted against deporting illegal immigrants that have been convicted of sex crimes...seriously WTF??? How in the heck is this even a partisan issue??
  9. I haven't had time to sit down and read it...maybe this weekend
  10. I have not read the report...has anyone actually done that?
  11. What are you even talking about?? Who said it was fake?? Again you just make stupid comments that have no factual basis behind them and clutter up the board.
  12. So you think the leadership did a great job before, during and after this??
  13. LOL...weak sauce and confirming that you can't post anything of significance other than throw out unprovable emotional statements and provide nothing to back them up...aka WORTHLESS
  14. Outside of these things you have claimed which none can probably be proven other than the cheating accusation (which he may have admitted to already?), I personally haven't seen anything too crazy as to why he shouldn't be confirmed...he seemed to present himself well during the hearing and did a good job at answering the questions. One thing is for certain is that if he doesn't do a good job, Trump has no problem firing people...ha
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