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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. Thanks as always WKN. It's been a really encouraging time to be aboard the UNI bandwagon. Look at that steady incremental progress!
  2. Love that
  3. should be 141 or 149 tops
  4. Is there a better lightweight coach in wrestling than TnT? For all their faults...
  5. For these moments (if any) we needed a cinnabon emoji
  6. I am not an inherent gambler, but for things that I can afford to gamble (month-long commitment to sporting an avatar of a winner), I like to be extra aggressive, especially in a place that could benefit from extra engagement
  7. avatar gone, signature and soul being actively shopped
  8. Hammer lets make a signature bet on this. You can have Penn State and any other two teams of your choice, if I can have Oklahoma State, Iowa, and Michigan
  9. Indeed I have - you can look forward to the pineapple man for the next month courtesy of @PortaJohn
  10. Very interesting especially because they have deep pockets and could really use a boost. I have so much respect for Beloglazov.
  11. McEnelly is incredible. I'd like to see him against Plott!
  12. Just for fun, I'll predict Rutgers
  13. 29-8 when I predicted 24-6. I got one outcome wrong which was 149. I bet you at least several folks got closer
  14. my life story lol
  15. i predicted that they would but thought among all possible predictions that they wouldn't (kind of wack but whatever
  16. i think he means James Buchanan was quick to establish himself as the worst president ever (at that point in time)
  17. If Kerk wins by a regular decision (pretty likely?) then PSU will cover the 20.5 just barely
  18. Nice win by Buchanan. I was wrong on this one
  19. This here is the matchup of the night
  20. he should probably get hodge if he keeps doing that
  21. After tonight's test. I wonder if he completes the full season including Big Ten and NCAA finals with tech falls in every match. It's probably a coin toss.
  22. He may actually live up to the name Techenbrink
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