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Everything posted by flyingcement

  1. whoa! six pins is a lot. I'll be generous and take four and under. I'll give you five and above for pins as tiebreaker. Deal?
  2. I say this with all due respect, but at least this was the event they screwed up tonight instead of CKLV *knocking frantically on wood*
  3. awesome lets keep score and see who wins for the sake of pride
  4. Quarters predictions 125 Smith over Jordan Ungar over Figueroa Ventresca over Kaylor Ramos over Ferri 133 Arujau over Phippen Latona over Cannon Ragusin over Rich McGee over Orine 141 Hardy over Mattin Jack over Belton Crook over Happel Cornella over Carlson 149 Sasso over Hagan Realbuto over Thomas Parco over Lamer Millner over Arrington 157 Lewan over Askey Chumbley over Coleman Scott over Swenson Robb over Kellar 165 Cook over Kharchla Yant over Negron Olguin over Ogunsanya Ramirez over Formato 174 Lewis over DeVos Foca over Smith Romero over Conigliaro Labriola over Perrine 184 Keckeisen over Montalvo Munoz over Pinto Romero over Bolen Hidlay over Finesilver 197 Sloan over Smith Norfleet over Harvey Hoffman over Allred Trumble over Koser 285 Schultz over Nevills Davison over Gordon Slavikouski over Hendrickson Parris over Trephan
  5. I actively resisted subscribing for awhile. Problem is that they have some matches I want to watch with exclusive rights. And I can't go driving around the country going to matches.
  6. I watched this. I am a subscriber to flo as of one hour ago. Great match.
  7. Just received the email about it and cancelled my subscription. I may even hold my nose and subscribe to flo
  8. Ethan Smith facing Lenox Wolak who defeated him in the Columbia dual a couple weeks back.
  9. Agreed - seems like he could have hit a late growth spurt or something.
  10. Shaping up for a Figueroa vs Ungar quarterfinal. Last time they wrestled it was their senior year of high school and Ungar took it.
  11. Ungar over Heinselman in the first round.
  12. Thanks for the tips guys - I won't be going this year, but I'm a four hour drive away so I was thinking about it some time when my son is a little older I've only been to Vegas once - didn't particularly enjoy it. It was okay. not my type of place.
  13. we faced the Stateliners in my sixth ever dual meet in 1992. I got bumped up to 48 lbs after weighing in at 44. Turned out I dodged a bullet because their 44 lber was really tough (Marc Torres-Mecca).
  14. Cornella is very good and impressively strong for a freshman. I hope we can see a match-up between him and Crook
  15. As well as mail men and pool boys
  16. I think he would have been allowed to compete based on your first point. But there is a catch with the five matches on RS rule - it only applies to freshman (which is a bit odd)
  17. Thanks for the link! I'm rooting for Bellarmine and will he watching
  18. Seems like he is from Wisconsin. Maybe next year Amos bumps to heavy since Hilger will be graduated and Buchanan slides in at 197.
  19. Regarding Buchanan, Mineo posted this so it probably won't happen but would be interesting if true.
  20. 125 1. Spencer Lee, Iowa 5. Brandon Courtney, Arizona State 6. Killian Cardinale, West Virginia 24. Justin Cardani, Illinois 133 33. Gabe Tagg, South Dakota State 141 2. Real Woods, Iowa 5. Frankie Tal-Shahar, Northwestern 31. Lawrence Saez, Cal Poly 149 15. Zach Sherman, North Carolina 27. Noah Castillo, Chattanooga 157 6. Austin O'Connor, North Carolina 12. Jacob Wright, Wyoming 24. Marcus Robinson, Cleveland State 165 4. Cam Amine, Michigan 174 13. Lance Runyon, Northern Iowa 14. Hayden Hastings, Wyoming 25. Austin Murphy, Campbell 184 17. Adam Kemp, Cal Poly 197 3. Stephen Buchanan, Wyoming 10. Thomas Penola, Purdue 285 15. Isaac Reid, Lock Haven 30. Jon Spaulding, Edinboro 31. Jayden Woodruff, Utah Valley 32. Vincenzo Pelusi, Franklin & Marshall *I did not include those in this list if they participated in the All-Star Classic (which does not count for the wrestler's records on InterMat or WrestleStat) Most of the wrestlers above are dealing with recoveries from known injuries and we did not expect to see them so far this season anyway.
  21. 125 Ethan Berginc, Army, 12-0, best win: Brandon Kaylor Matt Ramos, Purdue, 8-0, best win: Blake West 133 None 141 Cleveland Belton, 8-0, Oregon State, best win: Malyke Hines 149 Jon Millner, 10-0, Appalachian State, best win: Doug Zapf 157 None 165 Peyton Hall, 8-0, West Virginia, best win: Julian Ramirez 174 None 184 None 197 Ethan Laird, 8-0, Rider, best win: Kordell Norfleet 285 Mason Parris, 8-0, Michigan, best win: Taye Ghadiali
      • 3
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  22. Devils advocate, let's say they start the dual at 133 and it goes like this: 133: Redding dec Teske 3-0 141: Woods dec Swiderski 3-3 149: Murin dec Johnson 3-6 157: Seibrecht dec Kraisser 3-9 165: Carr dec Kennedy 6-9 174: Broderson dec Brands 9-9 184: Coleman dec Assad 12-9 197: Bastida dec Warner 15-9 285: Cassioppi dec Schuyler 15-12 Going into 125 as the final match, Lee could easily bonus Terukina.
  23. from my elementary School - Jon Trenge from my first high school: Bruce Kelly or Bobby Telford from my second high school: zero D1 wrestlers
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