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Everything posted by BloodRound

  1. Just like this
  2. Interesting. Do we think this remains the plan wherever those two end up at?
  3. So who performs better against Kerklivet?
  4. Cassiopi and Brands both have created problems for Iowa next year; albeit good problems. I just wonder if it's worth it for them to roll out Tony from a standpoint of future lineups. Sure, he'll AA, but can't help but think that Keuter will feel slighted if he gave up a year of football just for this to happen.
  5. So do we think anyone stateside catches up to Gable on the mat if this does not pan out? He's already been out of commission because of WWE, but pair it back with the football now, and you'd have to think this is the longest stretch of time he's been off a mat.
  6. At this point, is there really any other big name besides Chris Cannon still in the transfer portal? Will Cannon ever announce where he's going to go?
  7. If we get Rocky at 285, HWT is going to get even deeper than it has been. How many of the top 8 even return again? Kerk, Hendrickson, Feldman, Schultz, Slavikouski? Then that doesn't even begin to count those who missed out on the podium... sheesh.
  8. What a choice of song for that post.
  9. Dude has to make a living! I think that Mark has passion for the sport still, but it just lies in the coaching and administration side of it now. Plus - some athletes want a life outside of the competition. Maybe Mark just was done worrying about having to prep himself to compete. He sounded like he had no desire to cut weight, and wasn't going to be at the top of the totem pole with 86k due to size; a true tweener situation.
  10. Happy Valley is turning into Jonestown overnight!
  11. I've said it once, and I will say it 1,000 more times... Carter does NOT work as a heel, no matter how hard he tries. I can't see any realistic future in which he is a coach with his generally b*tchy attitude either.
  12. Wondering how the recent news with Brooks's suspension could affect DT's initial start to this role. Gotta imagine he will be splitting time between NLWC and Okie State if he's next man up.
  13. I think it's easy to lose sight of the fact that Gable is only in his early 20's. We've all made some pretty bad mistakes in that age range, dedicated ourselves to things that have not panned out, etc. To think that he colossally f'd up though is laughable. He is still more than capable of making more world and Olympic runs. If he chooses to return to freestyle full time, I do not see why he would not be the colossal favorite to be our rep. I used to hate on Gable as I think most did during his freshman/early sophomore season. Now I am just hoping that this stint is looked back on as a footnote in a long & promising career.
  14. We got another James Gandolfini on our hands
  15. That's just a classic Bo Job right there. Wouldn't expect much class from him.
  16. Terrell to Rutgers won't happen, but boy would it make me happy if it did.
  17. You'd think so, but I just can't see anyone they have coming up to get it done. Apologies to Gabe Arnold.
  18. I'm not sure what your criteria for "homegrown" is, but here's a breakdown across two separate lists: Last 10 AA's for Rutgers Shawver Slavikouski Rivera Bulsak Poznanski Turley Ashnault Theobold Suriano DelVecchio Now if homegrown for you means from New Jersey, then here: Rivera Poznanski Ashnault Theobold Suriano DelVecchio 6/10 ... not too bad. If homegrown means started their career at Rutgers, then: Shawver Poznanski Turley Ashnault Theobold 5/10, unless you count DelVecchio never competing for NC State before coming here. On both fronts, those numbers ain't too bad, especially in the age of NIL & transfer portal mania. Do I agree that they need to get a hold of more elite NJ talent? Absolutely. But it does not mean they solely rely on the leftovers of other schools. In a perfect world, Rutgers can recruit top NJ talent that won't bail at the first sign of adversity (see: Glasgow, Aragona), but this world isn't exactly perfect.
  19. I'm sorry, am I blanking here? What school did Ashnault go to before Rutgers?
  21. hah - nice.
  22. Not sure what you are getting at, because Burroughs is still pretty firm in his South Jersey roots. He's settled down there, has spoken pretty candidly about putting that part of the state back into prominence and even recently returned back to Winslow when they renamed the gym in his honor.
  23. Confidence and delusion actually put aside their differences once every 4 years to meet in the middle at "Ferrari."
  24. I think injuries led to underperforming, which dropped his stock pretty badly over last season. I am glad Rutgers nabbed him, as I also hold the sentiment that he hasn't peaked yet.
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