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Everything posted by BloodRound

  1. Gable shows up, techs the field, does not go to the Olympics due to "contractual obligations to the WWE." Parris has a decent run as the backup.
  2. So what round does Carter get knocked out of the championship bracket?
  3. I can't remember how tough the path to his junior season title was, but he pretty much outclassed everyone his senior year by a very wide margin. Who knows what happened afterward though. Covid comes, maybe the focus shifts from the sport over to Wall Street more. I do remember hearing that he had to be convinced to come back even this season.
  4. I know that Rutgers HWT Yaraslau Slavikouski just got a master's for supply chain analytics, and will be back for one more year to get a Master's in financial analysis.
  5. I was thinking about this as I was typing my last comment, but I feel like Truax ended up remaining more or less consistent throughout his career. While Keck definitely ran 184 this year, I feel like the disparity between Pinto-Plott-Munoz-Truax was not that drastic...
  6. Wasn't Nagao's Minny run kind of a surprise to begin with? I thought he was seeded around 13 when he did that. Some guys can be wildly inconsistent with how they catch fire.
  7. Absolutely the most generous Rutgers predictions I think I will see for next season, even as we are in the thick of it. I imagine that Andrew Clark will come back from injury & possibly take over that 57/65 spot. The other spot could possibly be filled with a transfer. I would just love a viable 65lber. for once...
  8. Feldman beat him up bad their senior seasons.
  9. Maybe so, but Rider is also known for being the second chance school for Jersey legends. Some pan out (see: Kinner) & some don't (see: Matt Correnti).
  10. In my delusional world, Hamiti goes to Rutgers and ends the plague that is their lack of a decent 165lber. The reality seems to be Michigan. But I'm left with 2 thoughts through all of this... 1. If Amos is leaving like some speculate, is he really a hot commodity? I feel like his folk style career has not lived up to any expectations it had when he was leaving high school. 2. Does the recruitment of this many 1 year agents to Michigan deter top recruits from coming in? The way I see it, you could be a highly coming in, redshirt and then when you're ready to go, your job is taken by some 6th year, multi-time AA. Seems hard to sign up for, even with a loaded RTC and other perks.
  11. And I am willing to bet that it's Rider.
  12. I called Bastida to exit out of the championships via semi-slide, but this is just as satisfying. The overhype was too real for him.
  13. I would be afraid of our friends in the Great White North after that Messenbrink win...
  14. Thank god my roommate is gone this weekend - just yelled "THAT'S THREE" and clapped like a madman for McNeil. That is THRILLING
  15. A win's a win I guess, but Fix looks far too satisfied with that result.
  16. In other news, Vito's back.
  17. I knew another Ragusin rematch would be the worst matchup possible for Shawver, but it doesn't make me any less despondent to see it go down like this...
  18. Damn. I really wanted the 3rd place warrior to run it back one more time...
  19. Davis out in blood round - calling it.
  20. They are taking precautionary measures to make sure they get them out of the way before AB launches into one of his famous sermons. Don't wanna miss those.
  21. What's been up with him??? I guess I did not follow closely enough - saw he moved up a weight and had taken some lumps. Still picked him for a low AA finish. I'm curious now though what the full story is.
  22. Rutgers's first round is sitting pretty nicely with me right now.
  23. IOWA STYLE isn't going out of style any time soon, bud. Get used to it.
  24. So much for my feel-good story for the tournament this year. Had Conigliaro AA'ing when I didn't see many thinking so... *throws out 174 bracket*
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