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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. Any “fan” who only roots for a certain color and not for overall excellence from whoever is not much of a “fan” of actual wrestling… you can replace wrestling with any pursuit/sport/whatever…
  2. I just wanted to verify what you actually think of the average forum poster… it’s fine… no need to get salty…
  3. Gotcha… To be 100% honest, I had forgotten all about him…
  4. You guys do realize that exponentially more kids are held back in this country who don’t even play sports than those that do… The social advantages are very real and it is not hard to see how an early advantage can be carried all the way through life…
  5. vak got a little emotional yesterday... it happens... he is one of the better forum members and exponentially more reasonable than the vast majority... but... everyone has an off day... as far as ignore functions... if i have said it once i have said it a thousand times... a man that has so little self control that they must rely on an ignore button on a forum to make it through their day is not really much of a man...
  6. i don't think i have watched one monty python skit since i was early 20s... but from about 11 till then they were a staple... ending almost every live skit with, "so, do you want to come back to my place?" "i thought you'd never ask!!!" still makes me giggle just thinking about it...
  7. i have this mental picture of myself still being the same punk rock 17 year old kid... then i bend over... i do not recommend getting old for anyone...
  9. man strength and OLD man strength are wildy different... ask me how i know... now if you will excuse me i am due to stub my toe on the weights that have been tossed casually in the corner years ago... don't cry for me argentina, there is a enough dust on them to soften the blow to curly that i will probably only cry like an old woman for a couple of minutes...
  10. i heard a rumor once that a sleaze ball detector was in fact created and it was extremely effective... but... that dude was boiled in oil and then had his flesh peeled off a strip at a time and his body hung in a cage from the local catholic church... results have been mixed ever since... this stuff is nothing new...
  11. because i am who i am and clearly going to continue to steal from work for the rest of this week... i had to look up some pong facts... i lied to you guys... it was not pong... it was Super Pong... 4... count them off... 1... 2... 3... 4 games on that console... '76 was a good year...
  12. anyone whining about the differences between a 21 and 25 year old should just be patted on the head and sent back to the children's table...
  13. the rosiest of rose colored... i need me a pair of those...
  14. the vast majority of "fans" truly have no idea what it is like at the pointy end... the amount of PT that goes on with me and mine just for their bodies to be able to keep training like they do at 17 and 19 years of age makes me cringe for them in another 5 years... there are tons of old men at 24...
  15. i routinely watch and/or get updates of a 17 year old that trains with a 29 year old world team member and i can wholeheartedly tell you "man-strength" is real and extremely effective... like throw your way better technique out the window the minute i grab ahold of you extremely effective... having said that... you are 100% correct when you intimate that whining about that gap is nothing more than an excuse mentality... you wrestle whoever steps out on that mat... and i will not even comment on how pathetic the "asterisk" crowd is... there are some painfully average "fans" who want to put an "asterisk" on a world/olympic championship for any myriad of reasons... it literally makes me want to punch a baby...
  16. ha... it truly is amazing how many in our government out perform wall street every year... nope... nothing to see here... move along...
  17. i am not saying i feel less masculine after watching that clip... but... i feel less masculine after watching that clip...
  18. my grandpappy used to say strength IS a skill... i don't take that skill away from anyone...
  19. haters... the whole lot of you... soooooo much hate... nothing but hate... all the hate... hate... HATE... HATE... HATE!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAATE!!!!!!!!!
  20. there just seems to be a little too much hero worship going on here... it is one of those things that just do not make much sense to me, but, whatever... but this is why we have sport, yes? a small respite from the average person's little mundane lives... i wish spencer and all of you nothing but the best...
  21. my oldest wrestled in his first HS state tournament while still being 13 years old... he was almost a full size 6lber... my youngest was still wrestling tourneys at his walk around weight of 83lbs the winter before what would have been his first year of HS... we held him back... wrestled one year of HS then quit to focus on real wrestling... everyone has a slightly different path...
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