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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. LJB


    i know who that kid is hanging out with in florida... the less i say the better... there are so many lessons to be learned from this whole sad situation...
  2. i will refrain from commenting on whose photo they used for greco... one of these things are not like the other... for a variety of reasons...
  3. that assumption feels correct and totally acceptable...
  4. i was married for almost 20 years... anyone here is more than welcome to try their worst...
  5. i may unlike this post at some point just so i can like it again... this is nothing new...
  6. there is not one person that can trust network news... they are all bought and paid for on both sides... finding actual "news" reported without an agenda takes a real act of vigilance...
  7. tell me this is a bit of "wink wink nudge nudge know what i mean????" post...
  8. i doubt there is one competitor who is upset there is an allowance at ranking tourneys... that 2kg is not allowing someone to "sneak" into a bracket that they would not otherwise be in...
  9. for sure... when i fell into this sport and we decided it was the best shit ever they were still doing pool brackets... pretty sure fargo was still using them when i became aware of fargo... (i have only know fargo as fargo which is another indication of my wrestling time line) i did not then nor do i now actually understand those types of brackets and just because i never had to... the boys had just started traveling nationally when the save wrestling thing was big... still in OK... had the t-shirts the different points and all that jazz is always changing and i have to consciously make a mental note of that while going down rabbit holes of old matches... my position has always been that no matter what rule set is in place, the best on that day will be crowned... one day as a lion...
  10. repechage has just how it's been done since we were involved at a level that i really started paying attention to international wrestling other than peripherally... i came into the game much later than most and clearly lucky to have only really experienced international rules when they are (seemingly) far superior to anything that came before...
  11. find two definitions of stalling that are the same between "fans" and then rethink that statement... less rules... not more...
  12. less rules... not more...
  13. i sure wish i had been born wealthy instead of being so damn clever and having these strong hillbilly genetics that have allowed me to retain my boyish good looks at my advanced age... i get the sentiment, but, the current repechage rules do not bother me at all... every second of every match means so much more like this... i am ok with that...
  14. i have to stick with my long standing position that i don't care about seeding... it doesn't matter... no excuses... but... i would have damn sure preferred maybe one warm up match before Leivesi last summer... the margins are thin at this level...
  15. there is nothing i disagree with in this post at all.. no disrespect to zahid, but, if he gets the privilege to be on the mat with yazdani then he will be lucky indeed... Yazdani will not give it a second thought...
  16. i have on occasion wanted to make one of my typical LJB comments about you guys stepping into the 90's with your music... you know... just me being me... amusing myself... then i took a couple of seconds contemplation and had to admit to myself much waylon i have been listening to in the last couple of years when previously i had not... timeless really is timeless...
  17. the boy and i were talking bisultanov this weekend trying to psych ourselves up for the longest day ever... i just realized how giddy i am to get the opportunity to watch real wrestling this weekend... the long cold winter is getting closer to being over...
  18. simply eating healthy as a lifestyle to have your body at your optimum weight is considered "cutting" to some in pre-high school wrestling... any amount of discipline is tough for most and i do not blame any kid who has a legitimate choice to choose the easier, more glamorous, more financially stable path once they get a taste of what even the average wrestler does in high school...
  19. It’s adorable that two biggest “fan” bases in folk prefer to argue over who stalls more…
  20. The boy and I got conned into reffing a HS tourney… they had 2 refs for 3 mats and I got a marker called in on me… I had forgot how ridiculous and convoluted the rules of folk are… It’s like so many things I supposed… made more complicated than necessary for a variety of reasons but I would be hard pressed to entertain that any of those reasons were to make a better more entertaining product…
  21. Only if you want an exponentially better product…
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