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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. back in the day would they have been invited into the establishment and given tours of the building? prolly not...
  2. then you are missing the absolute best this silly bbs has to offer...
  3. i am legit giggling... my thoughts on my college experience are analogous to my thoughts of most of you guys...
  4. just going to quote this because it is next level... we have graduated from ad hominen in the internet buzz words...
  5. Bobbie likes to CHOW DOWN… only logical explanation…
  6. Chick-fil-A has survived controversy before...
  7. Odin watches over drunkards and fools... we are all safe...
  8. you can not claim it is all soylent green anymore... but... you can pick and choose what you refuse to believe... that is your Odin given right as an American!!!!!
  9. ask them their official body count? in the 30s, yes?
  10. that is an adorable justification...
  11. this close to the truth... it is only the left that will dig back for years for any indiscretion they can lash their hate out with... the right tends to get over it pretty quickly and not hold grudges...
  12. crying won't help you... crying won't do you no good...
  13. i could go on... but... quoting lyrics still does not help the situation where the good ole' boys still cover for the good ole' boys indiscretions... not too long ago we could have rode down and handle business on our own... they have no idea how lucky they are... someone else will judge them when the time comes and the day of reckoning will not cure all ills but will damn sure give some at least a little bit of respite...
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