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Everything posted by BigRedFan

  1. Schools don't offer NIL money. More likely Stanford couldn't compete with UNC's ability to offer Koll NIL money.
  2. What are you suggesting? Old friends getting together? Cardenas committed to Cornell, then joined a bunch of other commits and followed Koll to Stanford.
  3. Cardenas wrestled at the Soldier Salute (listed as "Stanford"). The rest of the team is at Midlands.
  4. Might it have to do with the fact that Flo and track are neither hosting the brackets (something called Smoothcomp?) nor streaming (B1G+) this event?
  5. Trackwrestling has two-deep mat assignments for Midlands. Given that they are at the upper weights, it's likely they had three-deep when there were three matches scheduled on a given mat.
  6. Correa had uncommitted some time ago, IIRC, because of something Michigan did, not because of something Cornell did (unless you know otherwise). He was a free agent. Vega never decommitted from Cornell until he committed to OSU. Kinda like Correa broke up with his girlfriend, then met a new girlfriend, while Vega started going out with a new girlfriend before breaking up with his old girlfriend. What did I miss?
  7. Did I get this correct? Correa commits to Michigan. Michigan recruits over him. Correa decommits. Correa commits to Cornell months later. Where's the outrage?
  8. Depends on the school and when their first term ends. For example, Foca and Ramirez both wrestled last weekend after taking the first semester off, because finals ended before that dual. "Second semester" really means "after first semester ends."
  9. Saw that Anthony Knox (Beast of the East) and Alessio Perentin (Powerade) are both sporting Cornell headgear in tournaments. Great marketing. Any other schools doing this?
  10. Works fine for me using Chrome on my MacBook. Also works fine with Safari on same computer. Try this link: https://arena.flowrestling.org/event/9dcf51b0-5e07-4592-b2c5-b1b3be2d907b (note: There may have been an issue with the link from one of their articles, but the link from Arena seems to work fine)
  11. How many of those teams, other than Cornell, have zero wrestlers registered?
  12. See that elf in the middle with the green cap?
  13. Cornell wrestling posted a video of his takedowns. The one in question is the third one, and shows what hammerlock3 says and what I suspected: misdirection and speed. This video may disappear within 24 hours. https://www.facebook.com/stories/101372705368685/UzpfSVNDOjE4NzMxNDkxOTY1NTA4NjQ=/?view_single=1
  14. I suspect that on the one I posted, Scott might have thought Shapiro was going one direction and Shapiro went the other, so perhaps Scott turned into Shapiro's go-behind. That's the only way I can think he managed to get behind him so quickly. Shapiro has one of the best ankle pick takedowns, and he didn't try to use it. I just hope he has foregone the upper body TDs and keeps his feet firmly planted on the ground.
  15. I believe nobody scored more bonus points in the NCAA tournament in 2024 than did Shapiro.
  16. The takedown which I referenced in the "Fastest TD ever" thread was his third. https://i.imgur.com/dMX9tRk.mp4
  17. Unfortunately, the view switches cameras at the crucial moment, but this video is not edited and I don't think any frames are removed (it looks just like this on ESPN+). https://www.facebook.com/share/r/1A2JzoDCFB/
  18. I'll bet you can think of a few things that could have gone wrong for Cornell that didn't go wrong.
  19. Rokfin is now streaming (for free) on YouTube. Link was on the Penn State forum. Gonna be over soon...
  20. So, you got nothing except an ad hominem and a false dichotomy? Impressive. (did it ever occur to you that Shapiro might have something going on besides concussion issues? Despite my user name, I'm not privy to any inside info on the medical conditions of Cornell wrestlers. I'm guessing you don't either, but that doesn't stop you from making medical diagnoses from afar)
  21. I'm not the one making the claim here, so I'll pass.
  22. I thought that Stanford joined the ACC. Did I misunderstand and Stanford actually joined the Ivy League?
  23. If you have evidence that Shapiro did not pass the concussion protocol but was allowed to continue the match, please present it. If you have evidence that Shapiro passed the concussion protocol but nevertheless suffered a concussion, please present it. Otherwise, please present your view of what it means to be concussed.
  24. So we're now at the "concussion protocols are a joke" and "the wrestler was dazed" stage of the "argument." Carry on.
  25. You are saying that Shapiro *failed* a concussion protocol test during a match and they sent him back out there? Yeah, sure.
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