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Everything posted by GreatWhiteNorth

  1. Slow down there, freight train. As I posted, Trump does seem to do many things to convince people he's not racist. That was and is my point. Yet his words and actions betray him. He's as racist as they come. (Don't bastardize my post into a D vs R argument that I didn't make - start your own post to discuss that.)
  2. Well, we do. We basically limit ourselves to two options. Vote R or D. So, the Executive branch of government is not to be respected when you don't like the candidates? I can not get behind that logic.
  3. Looks like posters here have most of this covered - except the material used to make the vessel. I wonder what it would take to eliminate plastic jugs. Glass has always been the best option, and lined paper cartons were a pretty good alternative. Never much liked the plastic jug but it has seemed to dominate for quite some time.
  4. 1. Democracy is the best system of government the world has ever known. 2. I find quite a few posters here interesting, informed, and smart. I enjoy interacting with them. 3. Ah, I get it - you want to be "frenemies". Well done, bro.
  5. The one and only thing I really dislike about this BBS is the piling on. As a wrestler, it goes against every competitive fiber in my being. A couple folks in a dispute, then a dozen appear out of nowhere and the dispute ends in whatever way the dozen choose. I do hate it.
  6. Everybody seems to be missing this point - am I the only one that learned it in 4th grade? Respecting the position and Office of the President is not the same as respecting the person who currently holds (or previously held) the title - or their actions. Disrespecting the actions of the current president is a far different thing than disrespecting the actual Office of the President. It's a lot like condemning the actions of some police officers, but still respecting law enforcement. You can disrespect some officers' actions, but condemning law enforcement in general and defunding the police is a different matter entirely.
  7. Does anyone really ever win or lose an argument when nothing is actually won or lost? "Arguments to the human mind are like a war of words – we’ll hurt people, end friendships, and even create enemies to win them and get our sense of superiority. However, unlike a real war of guns and grenades, arguments have no spoils. There is no land to be won, no gold to take, and no people to conquer."
  8. One thing I can say right here and right now is that we need more finished meat pics.
  9. OK, ionel. That'll do. A few days ago, you hadn't heard of it - and now you are suddenly an expert on the subject. Not sure who you think you're fooling.
  10. I usually don't repeat myself, but... For those that use guns with anger, hate, and indifference to human life.
  11. I don't necessarily disagree with your post EXCEPT... ...that a racist who is trying to not appear racist who is being advised by a team of highly paid experts might do exactly these things. Particularly if they are running for President and need to win over a significant number of black voters in order to have any chance of winning. And - even more importantly - when he's someone who has no concept of ethics or morality and cares only about not losing. I'm giving Trump no benefit of the doubt. I think he's a creep who we need to be rid of. You seem to be supporting him. Which is strange, because I thought you didn't like him?
  12. Sorry, but this post is so dumb. Which title would Obama prefer? I can't image he wants to be known as an orange turd. So dumb. "You sure seems to have issues around 4th grade"? Hmmm... I hear some redneck there. So dumb. Therapy might not be a bad path for you.
  13. You're being purposely obtuse. Why try making something out of nothing? Herschel is a dope, not because of any of his physical characteristics. Just because he's a dope.
  14. I would have preferred someone other than Biden. Not a bottom feeder like Trump, but someone better. We only get (2) choices - so our options are limited. Again, maybe you missed my point, it's not about respecting the current President, it's about respecting the Office of the President. Like it or not, our President is there for 4 years - maybe compare it to a captain of a wrestling team who you do not particularly like. You suck it up and support the team (which includes supporting the captain.) That's how you win. Fighting against the captain isn't productive and doesn't lead to success.
  15. Were you not taught to respect the office? Serious question. Maybe not all of us were taught that concept.
  16. Yes, yes I do. The big orange turd is an ex-president. C'mon - did you read my post and let it sink in? Even in 4th grade, we knew the difference between the current president and an ex-one.
  17. Hey Art: I follow your posts, always appreciate your input... But you must obviously know that it is kind of weird when you make a post about predicting the future. It makes you appear to be a far right-wing nut job type. Something I don't think you are. Calling our current president names also seems like something that would be beneath you. Respect the office if not the man. And, at very least, wait until he is out of office. I believe I first learned that in 4th grade. Solid wisdom.
  18. Listening for you admitting Trump is a halfwit... but just hearing crickets.
  19. This is interesting - it appears I'm essentially debating with ChatGPT... I guess it was only a matter of time before AI took over for lack of human intelligence. It did not take long for us to see a genuine example. So disappointing. "Slope issue" was the key? Have you ever been to Iowa or Southern MN? Try looking for some slopes. Be careful when believing what ChatGPT produces, it is only as good as the internet crap that it scraped and regurgitated. It is woefully wrong much of the time right now - the only scary thing is that it will get better. I was just a little kid in the early 80's, so I saw it from my school bus. From 7a-ish for about an hour, we drove around and picked up all the other farm kids. No crops in any of their fields. Didn't think anything of it at the time - acreage in CRP and other government programs, PIK and what not. They made more money not farming than they would have made farming - sometimes a lot more. I'm almost ready to release the joke I promised earlier. But... the mood still seems grim. I'll hold off.
  20. Imagine if those using guns to commit crimes in WA were using semi-auto's with larger magazines on a widespread basis. Even uglier. Good thing WA is coming to their senses. It's not the guns that are causing the crimes - it's the anger, the hate, and the indifference. But, make no mistake, having guns that can kill faster and more efficiently considerably worsens the situation. Tightening that up doesn't hurt a thing.
  21. Except you're missing the most important point. News used to be presenting information that had been vetted and verified. Being critical of sources in order to provide correct news was extremely important. If you wanted to continue to have a career in News - it was critical that you could document your sources and trust only the highest quality sources. If you're OK with random people posting random links to random sites and selling them to us as actual news... then you're not alone. One of you is born every minute. The real problem is that the further we go down this road, the more difficult it will be to get back to any scenario where News can become legitimate and trustworthy again. It has zero to do with political sides. If you don't see what we're in the process of losing, then ... I can only ask that you look again.
  22. I have no idea what "guys" or "game" you are referring to - or what you think is racist (or not.) And I don't really care.
  23. He sort of tried - which was cool. Much of it is available on the wayback machine, too. It's a hit or miss type deal - which is OK. At the end of the day, it's always better to look ahead than behind.
  24. Good thing the country has been focusing on relaxing the gun laws for the last few years. More guns in society. That's what has been the focus. (Like it or not, pick a side, but it's the simple truth.)
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