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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I mean... if Plott doesn't redshirt, I don't know that they are any worse off for next season. If Lewis does go up to 184, like many are speculating, then Plott is right there in the thick of it for a Silver. I would put 174 like this, insofar as tiers... (this is off the top of my head)... Tier 1 - Starocci Tier 2 - Foca, Griffith Tier 3 - Plott, Kharchla Tier 4 - Mocco, Brands, O'Malley, Conigliaro, Jordan, Ruth, Washington * There are other gents in Tier 4, I am sure. A lot of parity there. I could also see a few gents separating from the pack and needing to split Tier 4 to Tier 4 and Tier 5. That puts Plott right in the thick of things, with the right matchup(s). I could also see him losing to a half dozen other gents. I think Wittlake at this point was Tier 3 at best, but could have been Tier 4/5 in that scenario. I am not sure.
  2. Perhaps looking to do a Rutgers and use both at 125/133 in the future? I suppose they could do a lineup bump after Andonian goes, but I assumed Ulrey would slide right in to 157 after that.
  3. I think you gents are accurate on the 174/184 situation and I would have also played it that way. I think Carroll is the obvious answer for OSU, but I hope they do redshirt him. Right now he is fringe R12, which isn't but a match or two higher than Doucet. If he goes in 2024-2025 for his frosh season he is a T3-6 contender, depending on development. Doucet I believe is about tapped out as a R12/R16 guy. I don't know that Mirzo drops. He has Olympic aspirations at 74 KG for his home country (one of the 'stans). Even if Smith wills him to it, I don't know that he does or even wants to. I think we more than likely see him redshirt(or Oly-shirt) then man 165lbs. After seeing Gomez succeed at 149 after jumping from 133 to 149, I like the idea of seeing Alvarez and Williams fighting it out at 149. I believe the problem with that is that Jamison hasn't had an injury free season/year in how long? Also Williams was just down at 65 KG (143.3lbs) and lost to Michigan's incoming true frosh Gilcher at U20s. I don't know what success any of them are going to have at 149, let alone if one ends up going 157. Alvarez is explosive and we know his style translates well, when he isn't cutting insane weight, to D1 wrestling. That makes me hope he find success either at 149 or 157. I really think it ends up being Alvarez and Williams at 149 until one cements themselve (likely by the new year) and then the loser going at it with Manibog/Sheets at 157, which I think is no foregone conclusion at this current point in time. This is all assuming Jamison can stay healthy. If he can't I am not sure what they do. Prior to U20s I would have said Alvarez, but A - I don't want Alvarez at 141. I want him at 149 at the lowest. I don't want to see him cutting weight. At all. Also B - I don't know what to expect of Williams. He went from wrestling 70 KG (154.3lbs) last offseason to 149lbs during his redshirt to 65 KG (143.3lbs). I didn't think he looked particularly soft coming out of high school as a 152lber.
  4. Nasty way to go, I hear.
  5. If you have ever seen any interviews from pre-civilized MMA days you will understand that often the 'most skilled' or 'best controlled' guy was quite often never the baddest man in the room due to these short-fuses you don't care about. A street fight means anything goes. Self-controlled people don't ever let 'anything go' when it comes to that. For example: I don't want to fight Bo Nickal in a street fight because I know he will sleep me. Meaning he will take me down and put me to sleep. Even in a street fight I am fairly confident he will do this. He has a high IQ and knows this. I don't want to fight Blue Dragons Jr because I know he has no self-control and will probably keep pounding my skull if (when) he gets it on the pavement. There is a large difference there in possible long-term negative effects.
  6. Dr. @MPhillips. He is on the TV bro. Had a show with that cash me ousside girl.
  7. You must be new here... Please see the response in the following comment made by our resident PhD. Also, what the crap.is a dipchits?
  8. Stevo Poulin Did you not see his hype videos from when he was seven? They scared me.
  9. I might have said Gilman before I saw how nonathletic he looked playing dodge ball. I would have no issue throwing down with that guy right now.
  10. I know a few streets I can direct him to.
  11. Well yes, but he went in weighing in two weight classes above the previous season, even if it was technically one weight. Had Brands done the same he would have been a 149lber under today's rules. Even with the current weight classes he would have been a 141lber.
  12. What are you afraid of? Him hooking that ankle and just sitting on top of you?
  13. Not you, but that newspaper showed it's ignorance here. Had weigh-in rules been present to today's standards it is likely the Brands Bros were at least one weight class higher. So Tom would have been 141. If you recall quite a few gents (Cunningham bros, for example) did a 'double bump' at CMU (thank you for the reminder of that Flo...). I would put Tom firmly entrenched in the 'average' man market. Terry's mentality alone sprays him right in the small man category. If that guy was twelve foot tall he would still have napoleon syndrome. This is funny as hell. I might add that it would be convenient that Cathy went "Je ne parle pas la langue anglaise." on all of us.
  14. Not a current D1 wrestler, dipshit. Good try, though (not).
  15. My understanding is that even had the Focus clan not gone there, Mastro was going to be a turd either way. While the Focus clan gets the blame, do we really know if it would have been as bad without Mastro insofar as culture destruction? I say yes, but Mastro is just as guilty in so many ways. In some ways worse.
  16. Gents that have short fuses. They are going to try to throw hands first and ask questions later. Most of the high end successful guys have a gentle demeanor about them. They have learned respect and humility to be one of their primary traits. Running in to a short-fused dipshit who things they are King Badass would be worse. Five years ago that someone was Blue Dragons Jr. Hell that kid used to go looking for college frat boys to beat on when he was a high school kid. For me, personally, right now? It is opposite. Despite my young age, I am in excellent shape and until I ended up taking this consultant job here in CT I was practicing BJJ 3-5x a week. We had our MMA sessions as well as wrestling sessions as well. So I am a pretty confident guy. A guy like Blue Dragons Jr is out of my weight category. I am not putting on 15-20lbs of functional weight for a fight - or a street fight. Roll around on a mat? Sure. Let's do it. Guys like Baylor Fernandez, though? I would love to have him come to my gym. He gives me coward vibes. Back to the original question. Who would I not want to see in a street fight right now? Trent HIdlay. All day. I wouldn't have a head to put on top of my shoulders if he hits me with one of those clubs. The fact that I would be concerned with the impending doom of that club coming would make it so I was vulnerable every where else. I am farely certain I couldn't take him down without collecting a lunch box or two on the way in and he is absolutely bigger and stronger than me. Weight classes exist for a reason and we are going to see a brute of a 197lber out of him this next season.
  17. I vote for Dr. @MPhillipsdo be the next Celebrity Mod. Needs to happen. Big things - GREAT things can be done under his tutelage.
  18. I think we are both sort of picking apples from the same side of the tree. Meaning I see what you are saying on size, although I think you are drastically underselling the OSU gents. My point was that they have had serious weight-cutters. That doesn't necessarily mean size. We will have to disagree on Fix, btw. I think he is absolutely jacked at 133. He dwarfed every 61 KG guy on the planet during his Silvers run. Also Witcraft sucked a shit-tonne of weight. Yes. There is one from last season at the very least. Add in that he had to do it with what... a month left? Gfellar should have never been 141. Plott IS average sized and Wittlake was not a tiny 184lber. Against Bolen, who is and has been a rather stacked 184lber for the last five years, he went toe-to-toe and did not look smaller. Sheets? Yeah last year is the anomaly. Gfellar and Sheets both were absolutely victems of '7th' year senioritis AND the Focus clan coming through and destroying the culture (in one-ish season) MOST heavyweights do not cut to get to 285lbs. That is a false statement if ever there was one. They might get a bit healthier to get under the 285 limit at the beginning of the season, but during the season they aren't cutting. Maybe Jensen was the last HWT that actually had to 'cut' to get there? Even Schultzy brushed off having to weight manage when he was asked about his 'down' performance at NCAAs. I will even concede that Surber navigated to a more natural weight class despite coming down from ~245lbs to 197 in one offseason. He has physically looked like three different beings the last 14 calendar months, though, due to 'weight management' approaches. Definitely wasn't cutting at all there. Not once. He went Vegan or something.
  19. I had to read that first sentence a good 12 or 14 times before the dots connected themselves to 'cutting weight' not not actually... well... sucking one's own balls off.
  20. Have you missed every season since Marsteller or something?
  21. Devil's Advocate here... why would he drop from last offseason's Freestyle weight of 70 KG (~154.3lbs) to 65 KG (~143.3lbs) for this Freestyle season? Dropping those 11lbs isn't exactly a sign pointing towards a successful venture as D1 149lber for the team that has the most titles in history out of any and all collegiate sports. Especially since that squad is well known to make kids cut a shit tonne of weight.
  22. https://twitter.com/JustinJBasch/status/1674401690936655872?s=20https://twitter.com/JustinJBasch/status/1674401690936655872?s=20https://twitter.com/JustinJBasch/status/167440169
  23. McKenna is average sized 65 KG guy. He isn't going to be able to do much against some of those HP driven, eastern bloc gents. Parris is going to win the whole fckn thing and everyone is going to be like "STEVESON 1, PARRIS 2, THEN EVERYONE ELSE" This will age well. Unfortunately for McKenna.
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