I mean... if Plott doesn't redshirt, I don't know that they are any worse off for next season. If Lewis does go up to 184, like many are speculating, then Plott is right there in the thick of it for a Silver.
I would put 174 like this, insofar as tiers... (this is off the top of my head)...
Tier 1 - Starocci
Tier 2 - Foca, Griffith
Tier 3 - Plott, Kharchla
Tier 4 - Mocco, Brands, O'Malley, Conigliaro, Jordan, Ruth, Washington
* There are other gents in Tier 4, I am sure. A lot of parity there. I could also see a few gents separating from the pack and needing to split Tier 4 to Tier 4 and Tier 5.
That puts Plott right in the thick of things, with the right matchup(s). I could also see him losing to a half dozen other gents. I think Wittlake at this point was Tier 3 at best, but could have been Tier 4/5 in that scenario. I am not sure.