It was at 79 KG. It is(was) still a legitimate win. That was definitely vintage Stalrocci.
Stalrocci also lost to Lujan at that same tournament, even if he beat Nolf and Dieringer.
I also want to put in to perspective something else.
Bruce Baumgartner? One of our Mount Rushmore gents? He is on there because of course he is an all-timer... but one thing to also consider is that he didn't get his 13th medal until he was 36 years old.
He would insert himself directly in to the conversation as Top Tier on the new age with Parris, Kerkvliet, Hendrickson, Cassioppi, and Davison. I am all for it.
Remember when Dabe Gean said he was going to go Greco and there was a lot of hoo-ha about how we would 'finally' get some top tier athletes in to Greco?
I don't understand why Snyder is put in the same boat as Taylor and Dake. If DT and KD were to retire now Snyder would have to compete at five more Worlds/Olympics just to get to the same age. By that time he will have 14 Worlds/Olympics medals.
He is 27 years old.
He was #2 182lber his Senior season behind PKeckeisen.
He was #9 160lber his Junior season behind SGriffith, JLee, DPlott, RThomas, AMerola, JMattox, PRobb, and JFranek, respectively.
OTT is not like Final X.
Day 1 is all of the challenge tournament. Day 2 is Best of Three.
All Olympic weight medalists sit with a bye to Day 2, so Dake, Taylor, Snyder, and Parris.
I am still annoyed/pissed he didn't just give 125 KG a go when he weighed in just over 97 KG.
Remember when everyone was like "HE WOULDN'T DO SHIT" then Zillmer went up and won the spot?
Yeah. Cox is far superior than Zillmer.