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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Minnow embarrasses himself enough. Please don't tie him in an official manner to those two programs. They are better than him in every single way imaginable.
  2. I hope it's the over, honestly. Iowa already gets shit on for even speaking of the Focus family. Let them play the heel and everyone else, aside for Penn State, will be playing for 3rd.
  3. I am curious how Jacori Teemer can be ranked ahead of Will Lewan in any rankings at all. His last completed match was a loss to him. Lewan has since proven to be an all-american whereas Teemer's last actual match he ended up defaulting out of - which counts as a loss now right?
  4. I think more the latter. Refs don't like overturning their own calls, even if the bias was clearly evident throughout the dual as a whole.
  5. If we are going off the way it should be gone off of - with the victors writing the books, then it was a flop that Sta(l)rocci 100% anticipated and stuck him with. I believe Sta(l)rocci even eluded to him anticipating that.
  6. Most are probably there because of him and Nurmagomedov rolling back when he (Saldate) was in High School. It went something like this... - Nurmagomedov dominates Saldate - Nurmagomedov calls Cormier fat a bunch of times - Nurmagomedov locks his hands - Nurmagomedov throws him while he is in a guillotine. - Cormier begs Nurmagomedov to be nice. - Saldate cries a little. - Nurmagomedov chokes him out - RNC. - Cormier cries a little. - Saldate cries a lot. - Nurmagomedov punches him in the temple 50 times. - Saldate stops crying. - Nurmagomedov chokes him out - RNC. - Saldate starts making out with the mat. - More dome punches from Nurmagomedov. - Nurmagomedov helps Saldate up. - Nurmagomedov coddles a weeping Saldate. - Nurmagomedov and Saldate kiss and make up, share a beer. - Nurmagomedov talks a lot of crap to Cormier about beating up a teenager. All of it is here:
  7. Now do Twatter.
  8. They were absolutely not on the same level. They were separated by more than one tier at that point. Labriola didn't have a fart's chance in a shit storm there - my opinion then and now.
  9. Username is already taken. I was going to actually make it and it won't let me because it already exists.
  10. I think the 141 non-challenge might have been just as big. Iowa's 141lber is the title favorite. You beat him, while at home, and the wind gets sucked out of Iowa earlier. It has more potential changes to the dual than anything. Does Swiderski come out more aggressive early and build an earlier lead? Pushing for a Major? Maybe. After that Major does Chittum ride the momentum and get that takedown two seconds earlier? Maybe. Does Carr tech Caliendo? Yes. Does Gaitan not give up that early lead and pull away late for a wide Decision, or dare I say Major? Maybe. Does Feldkamp come out with a beach ball sized set of juevs and pull the trigger on one or two of those double overs? Yes. Do they land? No clue. Does Broderson actually try? Probably not. You're talking that three point swing could have been much more because of it being Iowa State and being home-mat advantage. That said, while 141 could have been a much more larger point swing, just swinging 174 alone wins them the dual. It doesn't really sway momentum. It may just also give Batista a Tech, because Hill is looking for a Pin there late and gives up a couple/few bad/easy shots. So 18-14 Iowa becomes 18-15 Iowa State. I could see it either way, but I definitely think it is those two that were the worst.
  11. There books? What are those?
  12. I either saw it here or on Twatter. I don't recall which one. I remember whoever said it doesn't often play with the honeypot, so I trusted it.
  13. Surprised so many folks forget about all of that. That shit was bonkers.
  14. FIFY You're welcome.
  15. I am a black man that grew up in Michigan - a far cry from being related to Swafford. The only thing we have in common is that we both wrestled for a B1G school.
  16. Nope. You can imply whatever meaning you want to. I already told you that was not what I meant. If you imply something else it is either your opinion or you are wrong. Either way it is different than what I meany - which I have clearly stated.
  17. I was not diminishing Sta(l)rocci in any way, shape, or form. This is a thread about Gabe Arnold. What I was saying is that Gabe Arnold wants that match and is hungry for that match. That is what I was saying. Mekhi Lewis did not look like he wanted anything to do with Sta(l)rocci.
  18. Also of note: Arnold weighed in at 183.9. I know he wrestled 174 previously, but now he must follow a decent plan to get back to 174. That puts his decent (it's still 1.5% per week right?) at this... 12/3/23 - 181.1 12/10/23 - 178.4 12/17/23 - 175.7 12/24/23 - 173.1 The earliest he could wrestle at 174 again would be Christmas Eve. That lines up well with the Soldier Salute.
  19. Kennedy and Swafford got damn close - dare I say best friends close - the last few years. They were primary partners and I don't think it would be a forgone conclusion that Kennedy beats out Swafford, were Swafford able to go. Swafford is(was) one of the more improved guys on the Iowa team the last few years and that is directly because of PK being his primary training partner. Would I also take Kennedy at 184 if given the option? Not sure. I would at 174, so I guess that should be my answer at 184 as well.
  20. The Mekhi that showed up to the ASC had very little mobility or, dare I say, drive to succeed against Sta(l)rocci. He didn't look like he wanted to be there and Sta(l)rocci was out to prove that he didn't want to wrestle him. Sta(l)rocci proved just that.
  21. If the plan, or idea, is for Arnold to actually go the better (best) option is a winner chooses sort of wrestle-off between him and Kennedy. I don't think it is a forgone conclusion that Arnold beats Kennedy. If the scenario plays out to Arnold wrestling 184 at the Salute, I don't think you have him go back down to 174 in any scenario for the balance of the year... even if it means him wrestling against Sta(l)rocci becomes a no-go (sorry Wkn).
  22. I am all for both of these. Kennedy likely is too small for 184, but I don't think he is too weak for 184. Guy has had old man strength since the age of three. EDIT: Also, it would be a sort of poetic justice win for me. I was pushing for Caliendo to 184 because I know the guy is a physical animal and wouldn't have a problem as far as strength goes. The ole switcharoo... the OTHER AA caliber 165lber does the double bump.
  23. Exactly why I said let him go at the Soldier Salute at 184 and against Penn State at 184 (or even 174 IDGAF... Sta(l)rocci likely wins 184 were he to go there, too). If he beats, or at the very least is in both of those matches all the way through, you let him go the rest of the year. You gear up and have him wrestle some lower Opens to get him more wins at 184, if the potential is tehre.
  24. I was really hoping to see him and Ayala swap 125/133 this year.
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