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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. The Iranian contingents have always spoken extremely well of Jordan Burroughs.
  2. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/39337111/miami-te-cam-mccormick-granted-ninth-year-eligibility Apparently there are still people that will be in college NEXT school year that graduated in 2016...
  3. I think we have a better chance of seeing Lemley beat Bartlett, Kasak beat Gomez, AND Davis beat DeAuggie than we do see Griffith beat Sta(l)rocci. He's just that much better than anyone else at 174lbs this year.
  4. Not really the point of his post, but okay.
  5. Comments on that video suck.
  6. What the actual ***duck** was going on there?
  7. Aw, it was already deleted.
  8. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man
  9. If Michigan isn't on, Rutgers could steal it. Michigan State typically wrestles Rutgers tough, but they just don't have the depth they have had in recent years... I think Rutgers dismantles them to the tun of seven matches to three... maybe worse for Michigan State.
  10. As long as he doesn't swallow, sure. I'll let it slide. Also, don't let me drink from his spit bottle... The mfckrs who just let folks do that are evil as fck.
  11. Wait, what? Someone trying to mess with our Brain?
  12. Duke is the premier academic university in the ACC, and that is including Notre Dame. They are the only Top 10 institution in the ACC. If they got the right leadership in there with appropriate backing, they could be a powerhouse.
  13. Hear me out on this one, gents. The most popular sport on the planet, football (not US Soccer... proper football) has what they call 'stoppage' time. Towards the end of the match they calculate how much time has been wasted in the game and add it up. It is typically 5-10 minutes or so. Sometimes more, sometimes less. What if we added stoppage time for scrambles and just continued to let them go, unless someone was put in a potentially dangerous situation... which they could (should) penalize if done on purpose with a C1. What if with 15-30 seconds to go in the match a stoppage time is utilized and added to the third period, with a cap of one (1) minute maximum and always in increments of five (5) seconds at a time? Since we are veering further from Freestyle anyways (which would be my preferred style), then why not try something of the sort? With more and more scrambling happening and less wrestling happening as a result, I say why not.
  14. Oh damn! Gallagher is done? That sucks ass.
  15. Why Wilcox over Gallagher at 157?
  16. Oh, I saw it. All trolling aside, the guy is a gem. I hate on him because of my ThugMassa G homerisms. What he tried on Lewis, though? That was a punk-ass move. Sta(l)rocci-4-Lyf
  17. Ah you're correct - I misspoke there. The other one that got me was The Wrestling Report seems to pull people from their rankings if they haven't wrestled in like two weeks? Not sure there. I might have had a small stroke, but I didn't see Lewan's name in 157lb rankings... I usually read good too.
  18. I have been inspired by you gents, my peers. I am going to Paris in 2028.
  19. Well with Penn State it is also something that isn't official. From the horse's mouth himself (Cael) he said that they are 'most likely' the guy. That doesn't mean they are, just that it is a high probability, but they are still not 100% certain. So I think the FloBros are waiting on the 6th date.
  20. Typically guys have lost weight during football season as well because they can't get in to the weight room or get high enough calories to keep it up. I imagine since he wasn't on the field as much he would have been able to find a way around that, unless he was taking a lot of snaps during practice. He looks perfectly sized for 197 as well. Almost a leaner version of Amos (which says a lot for Amos making 197, too).
  21. What Gomez has going for him here, that he loses against the othet elite 149lbers is size. He should be the bigger wrestler in this one.
  22. Perfect world would also be a Griffith, Bullock, and Davison win, as well as a Lemley win.
  23. Honestly not sure, I just chocked it up to age. Most of these guys should be taking a small break in the season from weight management so they can gear up for B1Gs and NCAAs.
  24. This is about as close to how I see it going. I wouldn't be surprised to see Barr get the nod again. He has two more goes and they don't need Truax to win this dual. I think Amine pulls the Decision, though, or at least I am hoping for it. If Lewan isn't back in, Haines will get 5 or 6 there. If Kasak can avoid the big move, I think he has a great chance at outwrestling Gomez. Call it 27-9 and flip your 125/133 match results as well.
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