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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. At least DeAuggie went for it there.
  2. Man... imagine if Brooks went up and put it on Davison...
  3. I want to see what this version of Kerk does to Davison.
  4. Griffith won, but he was outwrestled.
  5. Has to be irrefutable. No nearfall.
  6. Griffith is getting ridden by a 157lber. He can't ***ducking** get out. This is a home meet and it's ***ducking** pathetic.
  7. Has Michigan even attempted a shot yet?
  8. Carr didn't do that to Amine.
  9. Why take the mat if you aren't going to even try? Two matches in a row where Michigan didn't even try.
  10. One more stall and he is stalled out.
  11. And a TD by Mesenbrink and he has broken Amine. This is impressive. Nobody has done this to Amine. Ever.
  12. Another stall on Amine. Mesenbrink is up 2-1 on stall points only.
  13. Amine is going to get stalled out, holy shit.
  14. I typically agree with that, but neither wrestlers did anything up jntil that point
  15. That wasn't a bullshit call, but it was bullshit that he made it with 20 seconds to go. If you are going to call it, do it sooner.
  16. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/seasons/LoadBalance.jsp?seasonId=170449138&pageName=DualDashboard.jsp&dualId=7472248132
  17. There are people to see how bad he is, though. DeShazer and Cruz are both there, for example. He loses to either of them and that tells us he isn't on the level we might have expected.
  18. Looks like he will be there this weekend. Super stoked to see how he stacks up right now.
  19. For clarification, he is Ole Lunchbox Mits.
  20. You mean the signature? Do you not understand how a signature works? Frozen yogurt is a difficult thing for you to eat, isn't it? Loved the clip, though.
  21. He's a fckn idiot. Every single person on this forum knows that.
  22. Kerk could have competed in U23s last year. He won't be able to this year.
  23. Well I think Connabon is the joke...
  24. Ignore this... it's a double post... Head over to this one instead:
  25. Damn it. I double posted this out of stupidity. My apologies, @bnwtwg.
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