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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. as we wait for your talking points from msnbc
  2. really... this is the hill you to die on... you want people who actually to die on hills to be paid less?
  3. lol WR is as far from FOX as can be
  4. they are the same jobs that were there before... that's not more.
  5. What percentage of the US budget goes toward the military? In 2023, defense spending made up 13.3% of the federal budget. Since 1980, the percentage of federal spending for the military has fluctuated between a height of 27.9% in 1987 and lows of 11% in 2020 and 2021.
  6. the fed govt should pay for 3 things border defense education
  7. i was told it wasn't a measure of economic health in fact, im getting ready for the bubble to burst here is what dems say about trumps stock market... they thought it would fail... it didn't. then say, the stock market ISN"T a measure of econ health https://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2017/7/7/15930996/stock-market-democrats-wilderness-strategy-economics
  8. no no no crime is down
  9. that he initiated...lol how quickly they forget
  10. i have posted this many times. i should have kept track everytime i see him post... but there is lots of money going to lots of places to deal with people coming to the USA illegally... and not being spent on keeping them out.
  11. if we took all the 'trillionaires' money... it would fun the govt for less than a year...
  12. i thought bidenomics was incredible
  13. there are 'scientists' who make claims based on who their sponsors are see climate change...
  14. legalizing it misses the point we will have so many more epstein islands with sex slaves...
  15. i dont want to enrage the leftists who can't. there are enough mass shootings
  16. yesterday was the time to start.
  17. pick one then, i see them all.
  18. im not rich... but who..other than my kids and family, have a right to the money i have earned? especially after it's been taxed
  19. no income tax is not misleading at all
  20. no its the post where he calls everyone shit for brains and actually stupid
  21. again, why would that affect LGBUTLKDLJK more i have an idea... find out how old they are
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