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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. is dake not being afraid why guys get to his legs so easy?
  2. it's funny the GOVT will promote and protect the rights of the trans community to do as they feel... but i feel like a millionaire and they won't write me a check...
  3. great post. i think it bolsters my thought... where are we going to find all these qualified coaches
  4. well at least we know he is still alive? perhaps...
  5. grey shirts affect the product on the mat and make it harder to understand... is that what you are saying?
  6. lol tell me how the continuation rule works i will start with parris' match against the mongol
  7. LOL was it him or an intern on twitter... b/c i dont see a quote of him in the article...
  8. a takedown contest and a sumo contest... sort of wrestling with a few guys flailing around with another guy ahold of their ankles...
  9. 57 good 65: we had a guy who had to last minute qualify and also had a concussion 74: good... getting old 86 a newbie and good 97 uh... i dont know what to say, getting old? 125 a newbie in a spot we had a stud
  10. it's the.. im about to be exposed for the idiot i am, cackle
  11. men who want to get into the womens lockerrooms and rest rooms and boxing clubs... usually punch down when they don't get their way statutory punching down... just by wanting to go in
  12. continuing to go out after a bullet is one inch the lucky way sounds pretty brave
  13. so seeing a video of someone speaking is a bad way to tell how they feel about the issues? you would rather someone tell you how to think about what they said?
  14. i dont see free being the change to make it exciting what was viewership of the olympic wrestling... OUTSIDE the wrestling community? how many on here say... he just wont wrestle... when describing a wrestler from ANY country. it's NOT a better product. ANYWHERE. similar... maybe the same... but not better
  15. so what rules were in place then, that have changed which make it less exciting? or is it just coaches who preach defense and caution? or is it that we have the disaparity in recruiting? i think the last few years have been great. teh tourney is not exciting b/c PSU is so far ahead talent wise. which is why the sport is less exciting in my book. indy duals are great when the teams are evenly matched.
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