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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. its the latest in the kangaroo court run by jack
  2. this is the problem with unions. its just more corruption like GOVT. they complain about CEO's.. but.. yeah.
  3. changing the theme THE MEDIA HATES YOU
  4. yes, nuance... you won't be able to spot the hypocrisy
  5. why didn't you do all of them? why did you ONLY point out Trump... i just can't figure it out...
  6. did trump kill the bill? do you have that factual information? i doubt it. you have what someone told you ... to think... i have seen breakdowns of the bill. it is garbage.
  7. either it's important not to lie or it isn't.
  8. you sure put a lot of effort into people not worth the effort
  9. they took one look at the auto workers deal... and thought.. hmmm
  10. exactly.. you think these people are going to show up
  11. now do all other celebrities etc that do the same
  12. he must have learned from his uncle? or maybe bill? i was told the left always calls out both sides
  13. the claim is being made (falsely) that trump said 'make them riot' in regards to Jan 6
  14. so in other words, they didn't do the right thing?
  15. but isn't he still 'in' the white house
  16. the bill was actual crap. and you know this. it did nothing to secure the border.
  17. wondering where all the 'lying in politics is bad' posts are this morning
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