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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. i dont disagree. but would you allow ME to have the title of official arbiter of truth? My list of no includes many...
  2. now do the media and every leftist twitter handle existing to call trump hitler and keep the 'resistance' up...
  3. so sad
  4. who decides what is misinformation? david muir?
  5. for some reason this didn't post the other day...
  6. climate cultists for decades: the ACTIVITIES of HUMANs are destroying the world me: points out there are more species than ever climate cultist: see the inhabitants are destroying the world
  7. lol so it's not the industrial ... it's just the number of species
  8. in case you were going to pitch that 'tough' 'bipartisan' bill again
  9. thats whats causing global warming too many species!!!! the earth is about to correct itself again
  10. you realize the 400 economists endorse her, not b/c she is good at dealing with the economy, but b/c they are democrats
  11. we dont have a 30 second break in folk. and if the guy is wet they just towel him off...
  12. ever read 'sense of honor' by jim webb good book about naval academy and training and integrity and what 'they' will do to you.
  13. robert byrd must have been a fine person
  14. i can't believe you bought one
  15. you really dont read any of the posts on the forum do you
  16. nearly a billion in 2 posts
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