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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. just a question in the pinto match, pinto has salazar around the waist, salazar is on his butt and pinto is kind of laying on him. I initially thought it was two, then saw that salazar had our hand and realized we probably weren't going to get two. The coaches challenged. and did not get two. I could see it called either way.. discuss on this same note.. if that wasn't control... how was the 2 and 2 given later when pinto granby'd control? on replays salazar completely lets go as pinto touches the mat and so no control. should have just been 2 takedown for pinto in my opinion.
  2. is it helping the school or the family? no full rides... in state tuition is lower, so my bill is lower... i say its smart by the families.. if its feasible does a year in prep school on the east count as residence? if the family moves...
  3. it might start to look like football
  4. we had a ref who continually called potentially dangerous when our wrestler was using the spiral... we were brutal with it, but this ref... i mean... come on.. i guess you can just go over...
  5. we called it the slot machine
  6. it makes sense to a point... b/c by riding i can accumulate a point. so i am trying to score... but...
  7. keep going i love it though guys the two biggest scolds on the board are going at it
  8. if dave schultz did it... you can rest assured, its a punishment move!! lol jk
  9. dont even start to think that we are rutgers fans
  10. some would call that adapting to circumstances some would call that a positive outlook some would say better to lose now and be better prepared for the future and yes true believers see what they seek it goes like this obstacles are things you see when you take your eyes off your dreams
  11. im not going to read all of this... but someone said ducks are gonna duck and i agree. changing to regionals is not going to stop ducking. and destroying the big10 as JB said... well, thats not going to be good for wrestling
  12. not disagreeing with your premise...but it might be time to talk to your coach and AD... let them know...
  13. true 165 nijenhuis looked really good down a weight
  14. i dont remember who it was... heard it many moons ago
  15. can't believe there isn't a thread on this irrelevance i guess it was a great dual OSU comes up with a pin to win at 197 in the last match
  16. why oh why isn't kansas state in the playoff and ranked ahead of tcu?
  17. not sure i remember a story about a top recruit who he told not to come, because he had other interests but he was already cherry picking national top talent
  18. i continually miss the wow this is early season they are doomed era
  19. i can't wait for the video game!!
  20. this was done several years ago on the mat and didn't flo do some sort of special on it? its like 2009 149 or 157 i dont remember
  21. they had a qr code on during the volleyball games either friday or saturday.. cant remember which night. 37.50 for the year with the code ... just for wrestling..
  22. yes, if only they worked for that everytime i do enjoy those
  23. which is my point if they are using it to turn... fine using it to ride... stall
  24. how many of these guys were career 125/126 pounders...
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