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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. yes, obama NEVER fired a general they never screw up
  2. i voted for obama the first time. the reason was this: one morning i was getting ready for work and the news showed one of his speeches. and he said, the right wants this, and the left wants the other, diametrically opposed, BUT, can't we all agree that THIS is a problem and we need to find a solution... i dont remember the specifics but i thought yeah. he didn't really govern that way, was he allowed or not .. he had control of govt for 2 years... i like to think that now he would say something like this the right wants to deny trans rights(which i dont believe), the left wants to make sure they aren't discriminated against, but can't we all agree that men in womens bathrooms is not a solution
  3. you know there was a time accepted science was the flat earth... but yes, i realize that leftists claim to love everyone, but they really just want to hear from old white men see i can play that game of insults too
  4. the thing i notice is that, no one arguing with me has done much but insult me and others i at least post a few things to make you think. you just dismiss them out of hand... b/c what we are doing is working so well right? maybe, just maybe, there is another possibility other than lock step indoctrination?
  5. really? i think thats a good thing isn't it...
  6. is that why so many are moving to florida.. and texas.. to pick up that money? b/c there isn't enough where they came from?
  7. still haven't seen an example of the right changing the code
  8. “Sometimes it seems as if there are more solutions than problems. On closer scrutiny, it turns out that many of today’s problems are a result of yesterday’s solutions. Thomas Sowell
  9. so why aren't you critically thinking... instead of just believing like you said. 'i will side with the scientists who say...' check out some new guys maybe.
  10. im wondering.. who is going to get the relief im assuming its going to be the people in the 35-62 and older groups b/c they are the ones who have been paying off loans thats really going to piss a lot of whackadoodles off
  11. but see thats not true bob i dont watch fox. i dont like trump and im glad you see that he is a big fan of you democrats
  12. Average Student Loan Debt by Age Student loan debt is usually associated with young adults, with those 24 and younger having the lowest average balances. Average balances also increase by age group, with those 62 and older having the highest balance. Age group Average balance 24 and younger $13,722.22 25 to 34 $32,707.48 35 to 49 $44,441.67 50 to 61 $47,660 62 and older $49,375
  13. wonder how many GOVT employees, lobbyists etc in this group Average Student Loan Debt by State The national average balance of federal student loan borrowers is $35,210. The five states and territories with the highest balance are as follows: 1. Washington, D.C. $54,708.52 2. Maryland. $42,350.91
  14. States with Highest and Lowest Average Student Debt Highest debt states Lowest debt states New Hampshire $39,928 Utah $18,344 Delaware $39,705 New Mexico $20,868 Pennsylvania $39,375 California $21,125 Rhode Island $36,791 Nevada $21,357 Connecticut $35,853 Wyoming $23,510
  15. Average Student Loan Debt in the United States $1.75 trillion in total student loan debt (including federal and private loans) $28,950 owed per borrower on average About 92% of all student debt are federal student loans; the remaining amount is private student loans 55% of students from public four-year institutions had student loans 57% of students from private nonprofit four-year institutions took on education debt Sources: Federal Reserve, The Institute for College Access and Success, College Board, MeasureOne
  16. again... why are we doing the student loan thing. we will just end up right back where we are in a few years. lets address the real problem skyrocketing costs in higher ed.
  17. someone getting a sweet heart deal
  18. According to CollegeBoard data on the debt borrowers held the end of the second quarter of 2022, borrowers who had over $100,000 in debt made up only 7% of the overall borrowers, while accounting for 38% of the total debt.
  19. russia russia russia funny from the party who said russia stole the election o
  20. i would agree hillary is way smarter i mean who could get away with her body count. also dont forget. Trump was a lifelong democrat, and is headed back along those lines
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