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Everything posted by Idaho

  1. Shspiro miraculously healed
  2. Since there is a long break right now...I believe this is where big 10 teams are visiting in a secret location with kids who are not yet in the portal in hopes of swaying them to come to their school.
  3. well to be fair, it could have been all mom's cash.... and home can be loosely defined if you live in Portland, Seattle or SF. Just trying to keep a fair perspective for the d shizzle fo shizzle 05 snoop dog poster with 37 posts.
  4. ASU coaches vs Iowa coaches in a stall call-off
  5. This time I am getting out..... nope.
  6. Nagao vs Bouzkis.... someone is not going to AA. Mitch Moore sporting the 37 year old look.
  7. Starocci is just that much better than everyone... man.
  8. Blockus and Chittum having a barn burner. 11-11 in the 2nd period.
  9. Funnny how in one match a guy is still recovering from an injury ...but then the next one he is back to form. Thursday morning Vito had been struggling with a disc and a knee...now he's back to form. Henrickson had an injury from last summer still bothering him in round 1, but now he is back to form as well. Crazy how these things fluctuate from match to match. I am guessing Shapiro was fine last round but now is struggling again with the injury he had from earlier this season.
  10. Nagoa was given danger - takedown and then two nearfall. ASU challenged. At first refs said no takedown and no nearfall. I think that PSU may have then challenged the no takedown (or maybe more official meetings)... in the end they gave the takedown but no neafall. It was the right call. He had danger. Yeah ASU going nuts because they said there was no verbal of "danger" and also because they reversed the reversed call on the takedown. At the end the right call was made.
  11. Looked like Nagao had Chlebove in danger there.
  12. Happy Birthday! How many times around the sun are you?
  13. I am forming an opinion that the extra COVID year, t hought to be an advantage, has actually turned out to be a disadvantage and burned some guys out.
  14. Well since I took all Pac 12 guys I am not sure I have Vance Vombauer going...
  15. Maybe...but it's only quarters right now bro.
  16. Adding commentary after the fact changes everything .... but yes, you can get called for stalling in the last 20 seconds no matter what happened the first 6:40.
  17. Sure you can... that's not actually how the rule is written.
  18. Much like the last two years.... I am descending into the dirt like a planted potato.
  19. Are you sure that's right? Are you off on a line maybe? I think I have 5 on top - 4 on bottom and 2 out. I told you I crumble in round 2.
  20. Hmmm...match I watched he won 4-1 in OT>
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