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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. Biden might need to die before being removed from ballots in some states. Ruh Roh.
  2. Will those already mailed ballots come in with Biden crossed off?
  3. Nah, everyone has their price. Maybe a $50M “book deal.”
  4. Dean Phillips must be the only fair democracy option?
  5. Medical genius Fauci downplayed Trumps assassination attempt wound as superficial. He didn’t say fake.
  6. Audio forensic suggests up to 3 different weapons fired. CNN confirms. Crooks, pro-shooter, counter sniper?
  7. If I’m a democrat, do I have a say in the candidates for President?
  8. I’m skeptical. Are you telling me this 20 year old ONLY looked up images of those individuals?
  9. 9 at a time would get things going.
  10. Shall we start making short list for Eve?
  11. He’s been colluding with the Russians for what seems like forever too.
  12. Are we talking about Alec Baldwin’s case now?
  13. We’ll never know what communication occurred on his phone. Unless the cellular carrier still has that data.
  14. Let’s say you get 100 people to believe it was an inside job. How many of the 100 believe it was: A) staged assassination by Trump? B) failed assassination attempt by someone other than the shooter?
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