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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. It was fun to see Trump tell Kamala to “keep quiet, I’m speaking” before she could. The rest went pretty much as expected.
  2. Wouldn’t that be something if he gets spladled in the final and the ref lets it go for most of 2 minutes before the pinfall.
  3. I was only mentioning Armstrong as an example of athletic bodies coming after a team or athlete years later
  4. Armstrong was banned from the sport, stripped of his 7 Tour de France titles and had to return his Olympic medal.
  5. You don’t think Nagao was poached too do you?
  6. Like Jamaal Bowman, people will set them off to create a distraction.
  7. 3 years passed and the Gold Star families felt the current administration was not acknowledging them and reached out to Trump. There’s a lot to unpack in that but instead we want an apology for a worker pushed while trying to stop the filming?
  8. The difference is that Trump (and Biden/Harris) were invited to be there by Gold Star families to honor their dead. McCain went there uninvited to film a television commercial. If Obama was in invited and attended the ceremony this wouldn’t have been an issue.
  9. First one polictically in Arlington was a McCain. Shall we start talking about changing norms in DC?
  10. Maybe the outraged McCain’s could wait a day or two for an apology? Nah, it’s all a game for everyone.
  11. The McCain’s making political news the past couple of days for their outrage over Trump at Arlington. Of course we knew this video was coming.
  12. I’m following my buddy Vak around just for the vocabulary lessons.
  13. Biden and Kamala are in the situation room for the photo op. Kamala kicked things off yesterday with a lesson on Israel being a small country in the Middle East next to some bigger countries…. I’m not sure her opening remarks have ended yet.
  14. Voters and the media are ok that there are people behind the scenes running the puppet show. Kamala will spend as much time on vacation as Biden.
  15. Restrictive covenants are falling by the wayside.
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