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Everything posted by headshuck

  1. We always wondered how Storley would’ve done at 165.
  2. I was going to post something in response to Ionel about being underground when I realized Illinois has a logo/mascot challenge. Avoiding the Indian mascot as I’m on probation the remainder of the week already, I thought I’d post the logo instead. I like the 1947 version.
  3. It’s free if you collect your rebate coupon in Cael’s basement.
  4. Yeah but I think he’s just caught up in the moment. He’s also on the record saying he was ready to find competition in other galaxies.
  5. Best he’s seen as a coach? Seems like a pretty easy call having a 3x er. Who would he say comes next?
  6. Greg Kerkvliet and Reggie Jackson (Mr. March and Mr. October)
  7. George and Barack are probably enjoying a nice campfire [emoji91] tonight.
  8. If I were wrestling Lee, I’d run backwards for 5-6 minutes and hope I’m not DQ’d in the 3rd when I throw my Hail Mary.
  9. I just don’t appreciate much of what Nancy Pelosi does or says. Paul may have been struck but there’s much more to that story than we’ll ever know. https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/post/3746/news-outlets-seek-access-to-evidence-in-paul-pelosi-attack
  10. Maybe the dude at Pelosi’s home was gathering documents hidden in the woodwork? Might explain the hammer.
  11. We’ll see who’s done more damage soon enough. Maybe they can share a jail cell.
  12. Gophers and Badgers are related but not interchangeable.
  13. Johny Hendricks with 4 fingers and wearing his boots on the wrong foot.
  14. It’s being reported that the Secret Service will provide information on Delaware visitors if requested. I thought the administration said there were no records?
  15. Isaiah Salazar, Minnesota. #16 11-1
  16. Also Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/business/investor-musks-twitter-buyout-expects-make-up-five-times-its-money-2022-12-20/
  17. https://www.secretservice.gov/about/overview “We have an integrated mission of protection and financial investigations to ensure the safety and security of our protectees, key locations, and events of national significance. We also protect the integrity of our currency and investigate crimes against the U.S. financial system committed by criminals around the world and in cyberspace.”
  18. Don’t they monitor who’s coming and going for former VPs and presidents at least?
  19. But secret service is doing their job for both the former VP and president so that’s reassuring.
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