McHenry is a great wrestler, but in no way is he a world class athlete.
What other sports does he competed in? Competitive pull ups? Or professional tag?
Really? 103 kinda sucks with two guys grabbing each other's ankles and rolling around for 6 minutes between 9th graders.
The were little kids. That's the point.
He couldn't beat Dake or Burroughs. So he ran away from them like a punk. Now he wrestles the Tank gets thoroughly embarrassed. Shut out. Zero points
But, somehow, some people argue that he is th GOAT.
It's an intriguing match up, but it isn't in an Olympic weight. Taylor lost at 86 kg while Saduleav was banned at 97 kg.
It's a great match up, but it's not one of the best match ups in freestyle history.
Yes, goodbye to grounding.
No. You always have control if you expose your opponent. You literally can't accidentally expose your opponent.
No. There is never a tie in freestyle. One wrestler is always winning and vica versa. There simply aren't any tie bouts now.
You're grasping for straws that aren't there to justify you're predictable l, weak argument.
Did you care about Beard grey shirting then redshirting for psu? No.
But, Beard still has ncaa eligibility, without injury 7 years later.