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Everything posted by Gus

  1. It sure was a point for Aaron Brooks against Zahid!
  2. That is a great question.
  3. Crap. Another td for Iran and a caution. 6-0
  4. Zain on the clock now.. Can't break through the hands of Iran. Not sure what just happened. Looked like a td for Iran but no points on the board and its 3-0 iran with a clock point
  5. Pace has slowed down a bit since that opening exchange...
  6. Td Iran 2-0
  7. Head pre-wrapped. Go get em killer!!
  8. Zain time. Let's go!
  9. Gomez attacking but cannot get through Aliyev's head hands defense. Sloppy shot and td Aliyev. Step out at the end and it is 7-0 victory for Aliyev.
  10. Aliyev td and Gomez down 4-0. 1:30 left
  11. China loses challenge Snyder up 9-5 and he wins 9-5. On to the next.
  12. Who is the best wrestler in the weight that wasn’t there?
  13. He did nothing that was unsportsmanlike. Lame response.
  14. They called it grounded.
  15. BUL gets the win 7-1.
  16. Td BUL 3-1, turk for a turn and again 7-1 now. Bow and arrow in now....
  17. They call a slip throw. Slips are so dumb... Ram on the clock
  18. That sure doesn't look like much of cramp....
  19. Someone should post one in the separated at birth thread....
  20. Almost had the takedown there. I wonder if he is able to continue here.
  21. Yaz trying to wrestle with one arm. This will be gutsy if he can win an olympic champion with one arm.
  22. Challenge lost and GRE wins 5-4
  23. Amine gets in gets the td 4-2 GRE
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