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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. The policies don't come until later. Hitler's actual policies weren't obvious until after they occurred. Also, what Trump would like isn't the same as what he can get away with, so there are certain things that he won't even try. However, you can tell what he's thinking by his hateful and violence-inferring rhetoric. Hateful toward anybody that opposes him.
  2. When Clinton visited, it was proof that he was taking part. When it's Trump though, there's nothing to see here. Yawn. Just more right wing hypocrisy.
  3. These people are such idiots. It's unbelievable.
  4. Plain text: he's looking more like Hitler every day.
  5. Implying that an ethnic group is subhuman often leads to much worse things. We saw that in Germany circa 1940.
  6. “Those Penn State guys. I wanted them to wrestle the migrants . . . I told (Ultimate Fighting Championship President) Dana (White) here to set up your league of champions, unbelievable, best fighters in the world, and a migrant league. At the end, I want the migrant to go against the champion, and I think the migrant might actually win. That's how nasty some of these guys are,” Trump said. WOW
  7. He attacks anybody that criticizes him with hatred and passion. I have zero doubt that he would kill many people that oppose him if he could get away w it. He won't say this because it would be political suicide. Hitler didn't start doing what he did or even talk about it until after he could get away w it.
  8. Not a surprise one bit. The wingers will say that they just hung out though.
  9. Actually, he is without a doubt one of the worst human beings out there. If he were king, I would not be surprised one bit if he did MUCH WORSE than Hitler. It wouldn't be targeted toward jews specifically, but you can take your pick for a multitude of other potential targets.
  10. Sorry I don't do tik tok
  11. For the MAGA wingers, white christian males are ALWAYS the victims.
  12. What's ur main source of news? I seem to recall that it was somewhat neutral and u r an engineer so fairly intelligent. U r probably voting based upon ur self interests (lower taxes) but most MAGA idiots are drinking the trump Kool aid and believe most if what trump says, even though it's 85% lies.
  13. "I don't trust the biased mainstream media." Translation: I look for whatever internet site tells me what I want to hear and decide to believe it.
  14. Federal workers need to enforce the laws and rules, as written and passed, regardless of whether President likes it. You think otherwise? WOW!!
  15. Pretty disturbing. https://protectdemocracy.org/work/trumps-schedule-f-plan-explained/ Founding fathers of our great nation are rolling over in their graves. This guy wants a dictatorship.
  16. https://www.crfb.org/papers/fiscal-impact-harris-and-trump-campaign-plans Your best source
  17. I can 100% guarantee that inflation will re accelerate if trump gets elected. Mark my word. He initiated it in late 2020 w his covid spending and tax cuts and he'll do it again.
  18. I'll give the wingers credit. MUCH more unified, organized, politically savy and strategic than the democrats.
  19. More whack job conspiracy theories. These allegations have been shot down like a machine gun through cardboard several times and nationwide, even by right wing courts. The MAGA idiots will continue to swallow whatever Trump says, hook, line and sinker.
  20. I tried that but one of those trump observers at the polling place busted me.
  21. U should look at the actual circumstances when this happens. I've never heard of a normal pregnancy terminated after 30 weeks.
  22. Another bs right wing deflection. Late term abortions are very rare and in almost all of those cases, the woman's life was at risk or fetus was already dead. . Despite being incredibly rare, the wingers constantly talk about late term abortions where the fetus is actually still alive and woman's life is not at risk.
  23. ...per Trump. I've changed my mind and im voting for him. This is a big problem and I think he can fix it since he has the guts to talk about it. Hoping he can fix it so they're born in the 7th or 8th months.
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