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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. Firing employees won't do much if anything about that. The money will still go out unless specifically directed otherwise (e.g. USAID, which is pretty minor). It just won't be scrutinized as much so there will actually be more fraud. Musk is laughing all the way to the bank and now has a free ticket to violate whatever rules he wants.
  2. If you really want to shrink the budget by any significant amount, you MUST reduce social security, Medicare and/or military spending (and not just a few civilian workers at Pentagon; I'm talking about slashing military contractor budgets). Until I see that, DOGE is a joke with this alternative agenda that was fairly obvious from the start but becoming even more obvious to any moderate by the day.
  3. If you really want to save money, change the law that would enable entire programs to be eliminated or reduced. Only 1% of the federal budget is employee compensation. The employees watch the purse strings and make sure the other 99% of the money is being spent in accordance with laws and not via corruption. Musk hates regulation because he's under dozens of federal investigations for rule/law violations and he has billions in federal govt contracts. He is going after the employees exclusively and not addressing any of the big expenditures. 2+2=4. It's VERY simple and obvious what this is about if you take off the red tinted goggles.
  4. It's pretty simple. The Trump administration is running the FBI. If they're destroying files, Kash probably directed it or knows about it. That's called statistical probability. More likely than low-on-the-totem-pole workers (that likely never interacted with Epstein) risking their jobs to destroy files and the general public finding out before the FBI administration itself. So the big qualifier is "if this is even true in the first place."
  5. Most popular podcast in the world, so plenty of whacko wingers using that as their main source of info, along with the most popular news station in the world, Fox. When you're #1 in the world for your type of information & news, you're "mainstream." Go ahead and spin it how you want though. That's all the wingers do anyway.
  6. If true, then there must be something about Trump or his billionaire donors in there.
  7. The problem is that this isn't about cutting waste. It's about making federal agencies unable to enforce regulations, and not going through congress. The actual cuts being made are jack squat.
  8. Alex Jones doesn't have a big audience right now, I don't think.
  9. If u think President Musk or diaper boy are even somewhat honest, then u aren't thinking for urself.
  10. LMFAO. I'm bombarded w right wing propaganda daily. Especially talk radio and the internet. Most people get their news from the internet. Also, Fox is the #1 viewed news/propaganda outlet.
  11. It's gotta hurt. You think President Mudk had his programmers install a left wing bias?
  12. You have to realize that literally ANY factual information that flies in the face of the winger narrative will be dismissed as "fake news." You can't use logic and facts with these people.
  13. What a dumb statement. Of course egg prices should fall. They're at all time highs, since diaper boy took office, by a huge amount. Very hard for them to continue that. Even staying somewhat close to the current levels would be a huge disappointment. Inflation hasn't slowed down at all yet and overall deficit spending is going even higher. FAIL!
  14. They need to take more of the entertainment approach like fox.
  15. Meanwhile, social security and medicaud payments and military spending (particularly on fat cat contractors like space x) growing by leaps and bounds and DOGE won't do anything about that. Nothing to see there, move along. We're cutting the super tiny stuff. Hoorrayy! Let's cut NPR next!
  16. Yes. Franking reached record levels under Biden.
  17. No, I think I understood it just fine. Btw, if those rocks in the state could sequester the carbon, that could turn a big profit for local companies and land owners. Can't have that though.
  18. What an ignorant statement. The OR highway budget is already about $7 billion, so almost 1,000x the proposed geological research.
  19. Interesting fact. You'll actually typically live a little longer if u cut your nuts off. Not that I recommend it though.
  20. I don't really care what they call themselves. If they want me to refer to them as "she," then so be it. What's the harm?
  21. MY admin? I don't own an admin. I have integrity so I'm gonna say that Biden did a poor job w the deficit. Doesn't change the fact that President Musk, diaper boy and thus congress are gonna do an even worse job. The layoffs are a dog and pony show
  22. I actually used to be to the right, but our society has gone off the deep end in that direction so now I'm considered liberal. Let's go back to the Reagan era tax rates.
  23. As I said, the President Musk deficit will be BIGGER than the President Biden deficit. And you won't complain one bit. Total hypocrisy.
  24. Let me know when we actually cut 0.5% of the overall Pentagon budget. I guarantee that overall deficit spending is gonna INCREASE this year.
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