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Everything posted by ionel

  1. I'll take you stock of bourbon at $0.05 on the dollar.
  2. Then I'm fining Wkn half that amount, I'm not greedy. Here's hoping you win yours.
  3. Did Jimmy leave his keyboard on the mat?
  4. Filled up couple days ago $3.49 - 85 octane.
  5. Shirley not an 8 track. I had a vinyl roof and FM cassette player, recorded my own play list ... but shaggy
  6. If you every lose a sig bet to me your temp name shall be Shaggy.
  7. ... a wagon no less.
  8. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/10/30/chinese-university-of-michigan-college-student-voted-presidential-election-michigan-china-benson/75936701007/ Didn't I earlier say this was probably already occurring? Now what about those ballots mailed from Russia with no postmark?
  9. Trump somehow hijacked your account to post that. Who's the dummy there?
  10. Is it true MP got a brand new Ford Focus as Shillie's advance man or was it just a used Pinto?
  11. Or when you go to add an emoji and you can't cause of the pop up, you try to x out the pop up but the little x moves and you get the ad in a new tab. I hope Sillie has bought his Ferrari by now.
  12. He definitely knows how to get more than his fair share of news cycle time.
  13. Is it true STW didn't post for almost a week because he had to rest from cognitive decline due to rapid fire garbage posts? 🗑
  14. https://pistolsfiringblog.com/japanese-wrestlers-of-the-1960s-helped-osu-remain-the-dominant-program-of-the-era/
  15. Some might have trouble making weight?
  16. MP says Willie says NO! I tried ad blocker doesn't seem to work with my browser. Shouldnt have to change browser I'm using for all my other stuff just for this forum. If there were an alternate forum I'd prob be over there.
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