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ionel last won the day on February 4

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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. They used him because they needed someone to go out there and only do collar ties. Kindve like Ferrari and the knees .. no way he'd get called for stalling at CHA so tie up and lose by decision.
  2. Everybody knows Angelo is transferring back to OSU next year, Iowa better use him this year while they have him.
  3. I think it depends, if you drop to then attack with a low level shot then no be if you do it the entire period/match to prevent a low level shot from your opponent then eventually it is stalling.
  4. Where were you sitting? Wished I'd known, had an empty seat next to me on row 14? Hope you're not just throw'n poop here.
  5. Yeah but the 10 yr old disgust might not have been the team wear, coulda simply been seeing an old man with swimmer's ear at a wrestling meet.
  6. Twas a great dual meet. Made some new yellow/black friends.
  7. Gonna be nothing but black/yellow folk around me but they promised not to call STALLING! That ain't happening.
  8. Just for @ILLINIWrestlingBlog they are using the stupid mat tonight.
  9. Mike Sheets
  10. Only opened this cause thought i'd see pics of Rasta over cooking a steak.
  11. Except that year he went up to 250/255 whatever and it didn't work as well.
  12. I see no mention of your fictitious pinfall in the 2020/21 criteria. You sir are not a steely-eyed pin man!
  13. Reference?
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