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ionel last won the day on January 21

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  • I love Bob Dole

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  1. Trump really needs to slow down. At his current pace I fear that in 4 months time there will be no left winger heads remaining unexploded. Correct RV?
  2. Yeah I just caught myself and replied. Thanks.
  3. Or maybe I'm thinking of first time he won US trials and that wasn't against Lewis?
  4. Smith still got much much better, wasn't that like So year of college.
  5. Maybe the wrong comparison. Didn't a in his prime Lewis lose to a very young punk John Smith?
  6. Well Surber beat him in Vegas this year and pretty sure was beating him in the room last year. Maybe a bit of that Sr vs Fr big bro little bro thing.
  7. Probably Jack Spates former coach, he usually does their announcing. If the guys of old Gable, Hodge, Uetake etc had the resources of today they would beat athletes of today. Those guys were special.
  8. Believe it was 3 to 2 but Spatley was building rt and couldve rode out the 1st. He is usually very strong in 2nd and 3rd period, got in a hurry and paid for it.
  9. Carl has a plan. It probably doesn't include growing college wrestling.
  10. Report was he liked the existing coaches, wasn't happy about a new coach, seemed pretty tight with Perry. Perry was coaching him at Vegas although not from official coach corner but from mat edge.
  11. Trump 2.0 is a bust ... he will probably resign tomorrow.
  12. Especially with the OSU dual this weekend. Maybe he didn't want to wrestle Surber again.
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