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Everything posted by BerniePragle

  1. Good grief. What in heaven's name do they do during the 15 minute commercials? It's not like the pitcher is throwing warmup pitches or anything.
  2. Ech/Woods tattoot contest is a tossup.
  3. Lordy, nobody talks about music anymore in the "Non Wrestling " forum. Just pissin' and moanin' about all the things we're fed to piss and moan about. Sad.
  4. @jross and others can corroborate my ability to read and write well enough to not "tag" the wrong person. A modicum of logic would come to the conclusion that I was responding to jross' mention of me. Why else would I join this little soiree? I was wrong when I previously said nothing has changed in this forum. I think the average IQ has gone down in the 6 months since I was last here. Sadly it's approaching that of other social media.
  5. I'm not sure if you were saying that I see different viewpoints, or that I have a different viewpoint. If the former Thank you, if the latter OK sure, carry on. This story is perfect for the current climate in our country. It's the ultimate "Us vs Them" story. The ultimate "Good Guys vs Bad Guys" story. Has been for at 2000+ years. They make the Bloods and the Crips look like recess at the Elementary school. AGAIN, while the common people are arguing over the issues we're being fed, the rich and powerful are picking our pockets clean. And our kids, grandkids... That's all I'm really sure of. That and if I drop a rock, it goes down. That's been going on for a lot longer than even this feud. The Laws of Physics never go out of fashion. This part of the forum is like a soap opera. You can not pay attention for 6 months, come back and you haven't missed a thing. Same cast of characters (a few new ones), same storylines (with a few twists). Carry on.
  6. I'm going with an Immaculate Conception with Cinnabon playing the part of the Virgin Mary. More details are gratefully lacking.
  7. Roy Clark Stevie Ray Willie Nelson John Lennon/Paul McCartney (Sorry, bent the rules) HM, Ann Wilson
  8. Sorry. I tried to listen to Mr Podcaster. I only got just past one minute when he used the "A" word (Agenda) in reference to Biden, I think. Not sure, he was using a broad brush. That word sure does get the dogs drooling though. My logic system pretty much always has difficulty understanding that oft used word by Conservatives, in reference to pretty much everybody except the corporations/individuals making money in whatever situation. In this case according to Mr Podcaster, the ones who, I guess, wouldn't have an agenda would be Big Oil and Big Coal?? The ones with an agenda would be Biden and ?? Non comprende, Amigo. I, of course, realize it's not that simple. I realize the Earth has gone through many heating/cooling cycles much worse than what we have so far in the Industrial Age. If I didn't know that, I'd probably also believe the Earth is only 6000 years old, lol. I guess I'll just stick to reading "Jabberwocky". Now the guy that wrote that was a high-order logician.
  9. OK, I'll help you out. Come to think of it maybe it wasn't so long ago. Maybe it wasn't even in the past.
  10. Swing and a miss, but you knew that. This guy was waaaaay smarter and I suspect you know that too.
  11. I agree with the majority of what you said. There are various factions with a horse in the race. "hundereds of millions in grants"? I don't know about that. Thats a lot of clams to dig up. I do know that Americans used about 134 billion gallons of gasoline last year. At $3 per gallon, that works out to about $400 billion per year, a thousand times what you say in grants. Now that IS a lot of clams to want to protect, however necessary, from someone else digging up. Remember, it wasn't that long ago that way too many people thought mandatory (?) LED lights in our homes and businesses would lead to the downfall of mankind. Progressives are generally your friend. You know, Progress. Of course, for every Pete Seeger, there's a Wavy Gravy. (You may have to Google them.) It's simply mind-boggling to see someone that thinks this person posting on Twitter is a scientist: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bernadette-spofforth-7298095?originalSubdomain=uk Or maybe the nameless feller with the English accent whose video clip she posted is the scientist?? Damifino. Maybe our resident Boy Scout knows. I've never listened to a podcast in my life. I'm still working on acquiring a tiny slice of the wealth of human knowledge gained pre-podcast. I'll tell you what though... If I don't have to download an app (another f%$#ing username and password), give out my email address, and I can get it to work, I will listen to it. I have always had zero patience with computers, etc if they're not making me money by doing what they were originally intended to do... compute. So don't hold your breath...
  12. Wow, a graph. OK, now I'm impressed. You realize that's more of a cartoon. Real graphs have axes labels, scales, things like that. I retract what I said about the course at your local Community College. You're not ready for that. Just stick to re-posting whatever tickles your fancy. In the words of Harry Callahan, "A man’s got to know his limitations." No mas.
  13. Actually, many, many years ago (but not billions and billions), I took two courses from maybe America's most well known Scientist. He was not well known outside the Scientific Community at that time, however. Believe it or not one of the courses was "Critical Thinking". Obviously something in short supply today. Maybe they have a watered-down version at your local Community College that you could take. Maybe a survey class between recess and lunch. (Kudos, Scott William Winters) "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
  14. Have you ever met a Scientist in your entire life? Your 7th grade Earth Science teacher doesn't count. Sorry, maybe college Earth Science. I'm sure our leading climate Scientists are writing, testing, improving or using FEA/FD/FV programs and studying the many things affecting our weather and climate, instead of playing on Twitter or TikTok with you and the Kardashian clan. Oh, and one "climate scientist", I guess.
  15. I guess I'll swim upstream as always and put more cred in what's coming out of the scientific community than what someone found on Twitter or TikTok or...
  16. "Blue collar wages...White collar wages" Lol. That's meaningless for so many reasons. Probably even a lot more than I could think of off the top of my head.
  17. Unfortunately, I'm betting we end up with someone worse than whatever you thought of Jesse Ventura. Trump had only one actual policy. Make himself and other rich guys richer. Hence his Big Boys Tax Breaks. The rest was just bluster and a way to get elected. Unless you voted for Ralph Nader numerous times, you wouldn't want BP for President. Besides, I don't meet one of the requirements.
  18. You must have missed where I said competent! One of the big problems is that by the time someone rises to that level in the political system, they're beholden to too many special interest groups. We need someone who couldn't find their way to Washington without a map, a true outsider. But NOT trump. He has some of the correct qualities, but his massive ego gets in the way too much. We need a Jesse Ventura type.
  19. While I don't agree 100% with all the policies listed on here, I am beyond thrilled to see no mention of the Big Three that have been used for way too long to divide us... Gun Control, Abortion, and Gay Marriage. I also see a lot of things listed that I whole heartedly agree with and that are undeniably good for the vast majority of Americans. I'll add two things to what's been mentioned: 1) Bring Manufacturing, and the associated good paying jobs back to the US. This will require something besides chest-pounding and a few trips to underutilized plants in The Rust Belt. It will require disincentivizing American companies from sending manufacturing offshore, through changes to tax law and corporate accounting law. Nothing will change till that happens. We need to use the policies of some other countries, namely Switzerland and Germany. 2) Get Big Business and their lobbyists out of Washington. Nothing will change for the better for the Middle Class till that happens. There's way too much corporate money deciding our elections, laws, and policy. As an example, a couple people (and trump) mentioned stopping the 'never-ending wars'. The defense contractors and their lobbyists in Washington would fight that successfully as long as they're there. Exactly how much of this could be changed by a new, different, competent President, I don't know.
  20. You're falling for it again (constantly). I was wondering how long before someone took the latest bait. The cast of characters: The feller in the teal outfit is the rich and powerful in our country. You are the bull. The cape he's waving is whatever BS story is being dangled in front of you. Today it's "Cocaine found in the WH". The bull should be more worried about eating some grain or mounting a cow than that freaking cape. Carry on.
  21. Well, I learned something. Thanks. Admittedly, I was not thinking about how much the physical fitness bar has been lowered in all of society. Bottom line, I'll take Hendrickson, anybody else can have the field.
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